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When I walked into enrichment the next morning I was pleased to see that Patrick wasn't there. I took that usual back row spot and got out a book. It must've only been one second after opening the cover that I heard a familiar, irritating voice piercing through my thoughts. I glanced up to see a very furious Patrick hovering over me. "Enjoying that book cupcake?!" He said obnoxiously through his teeth. "Actually I haven't even start-"listen babe. I said you could sit in my seat once because I felt nice but I never gave you a fucking invitation to steal it so move it". He didn't necessarily scare me but I did know that he was, without a doubt, able to snap me in half like a tooth pick. So I grabbed my stuff and started to walk towards the next desk up. As I was just about to sit down I felt a sharp pinch on my ass and let out a small yelp. Luckily no one heard, or at least no one else besides Patrick. When I turned around and looked at him he grinned playfully and winked. I glared at him then turned around and started reading my book again. I got through only one chapter before I heard the desk behind me let out a slow creak. I knew he was about to do something but I didn't want to wait around to find out what. So in the heat of the moment I swung my book to the left of my head and felt it smack against something. My eyes widened and my heart went wild, I realized I had just hit Patrick Hockstetter.. the psycho..... with a fucking book. I gulped and slowly turned around, my eyes met his and he was definitely not happy. At all. He started to reach for my throat and without any hesitation I swatted him again with the book. He stopped with his eyes closed, clearly irritated with me. I held my breath waiting to get punched or stabbed or whatever psychos do, but then the bell rang. It was like music to my ears. I snatched my stuff, took one last glance at him (still furious) and sped out of the room. The day went by surprisingly fast and before I knew it I was walking towards my bike to go home. I was so relieved that Patrick hadn't bothered me again. But of course that ended quickly when I heard "hey you!" Coming from behind me. I froze completely and knew I couldn't avoid it so I took a deep breath and turned around.
He grasped my biceps with both hands and dug his fingers into my skin. "You hit me with a book" he said with a demonic grin on his face. "I'm sorry. It was an accident." After I said that he stared at me like I was the stupidest person on the planet, we both knew damn well it was no accident. "If you ever do anything like that again, I'll beat you with a chair. You got it?" I smiled politely and said "yep." He seemed surprised by my response. Like I said, I wasn't necessarily afraid of Patrick. "See you around cupcake" he hissed as he stomped away from me and disappeared in the blob of students. I looked at my arms and realized that there were spots of blood all over them. I sighed and walked towards my bike. Patrick himself didn't scare me, it was the idea that I could be falling for him that terrified me. But I kept that to myself.

Love Crazy.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon