Here We Go Again

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After having that terrifying chat with Patrick I went back to get Jane. When I got to her house I saw the bowers gang talking to her. I sped over to her and asked her if she was okay. "Actually yeah! I'm great!" She said smiling. "Oooooookay?" I said uncertainly. "Well I'm gonna go find Stan. Will you be okay if I leave?" Jane nodded but it was a very nervous nod. I decided that she's a tough girl and could probably handle herself. Plus she was already at her house and her parents were home so I knew that they would hear it if something were to happen. As I walked down the sidewalk I felt chills run up my back. It felt like someone was following me and staring harshly at the back of my head. I ignored it and just kept walking. That's when I actually heard the footsteps. I started to pick up the pace and ended up running after a while. Two arms grabbed me around my stomach and I was pulled into the air, my legs kicking. "Let go of me!" I screamed and whoever it was dropped me to my feet I turned around and saw Patrick (aaagain) and sighed, "oh it's just you.." I stood there trying to catch my breath. "It's sounds like you're relieved to see me cupcake" Patrick laughed and it looked like he was even flattered. "No. I'm just glad it was you and not a robber or a rapist.. not that you're much better.." I muttered. "Why did you do that anyway? And why do you keep calling me cupcake?" He took a swift glance around to make sure no one was watching and pulled me behind one of the houses in the neighborhood. "Why don't you look scared?" he asked glaring at me. I stood quietly for a moment shifting my weight from side to side. "I don't know it's probably because you're not really that scary." I shrugged. He looked at me curiously then he walked up to me and played with my hair. "Your hair is soft" he said still making eye contact with me. I reached up awkwardly to touch his hair to take a risk and really show I wasn't scared and accidentally shocked his neck with my finger. He jumped back which made me jump a little. He looked angry at first, then he just walked back over and continued twirling my hair. "So are you just going to stand here playing with my hair like an infant or can I like go on with my day?" I asked realizing that probably wasn't the best thing I could've said. "Hm.. I like you" he said leaning close to my ear. "And what I like, I take." I felt him lick my neck then wink and walk away. I shuttered for a moment then ran after him. "Wait!" I called after him and he stopped and turned around. "Well you are just asking for trouble aren't ya cupcake." He said rolling his eyes. "What did Henry do to Jane?" I asked trying to look as confident as possible. He just laughed and walked off. Totally ignoring me and disappearing around the corner. I shook it off and started back down the sidewalk.
I would glance behind me every once in a while, paranoid that he might still be lurking back there but he wasn't. Stan and the rest of the losers were riding their bikes and I ran over to him motioning for him to stop. "Hey! Where have you been all day?" He said slamming his brakes. "Well I was taking care of a friend." I said avoiding eye contact. "Anyway can I tag along with you guys?" "Yeah sure you can ride with me if you want!" I hopped on the back of Stanley's bike and we all rode down the street. As we passed Jane's house, Henry and his boys all turned around and followed us with their glaring eyes. Patrick had his eyes locked on me and I leaned into Stanley and whispered "pedal faster Stan". 
We all stopped at the park and sat on a weird monkey bar looking thing. I listened while Eddie and Richie cracked jokes, and I laughed along with them. An hour went by and we were having so much fun that I never thought once about Patrick Hockstetter or the things he had said to me earlier. Instead I just enjoyed myself for the first time in a long time.
When I got home that night I ran upstairs, collapsed onto my bed and immediately started to doze off.

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