Saving Sofia

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Patrick's Perspective:
I turned around to find that Sofia was gone. I didn't really care that much. I didn't want to hurt her. I decided to just let her go. "Hockstetter! Let's go to the Junkyard. Bring your lighter!" Henry yelled from the trail. I nod and look back hesitantly before following them. Hopefully she's okay I thought to myself.
Sofia's Perspective:
I turned around to check behind me, he wasn't there. I guess he didn't follow me I thought. But when I turned back around, that same hallucination that I had seen the other day in my bathroom was staring me straight in the eyes. I let out a scream and started running. As I ran I kept seeing more terrifying things. Until a clown holding a red balloon was standing across from me. They're not real I thought to myself. I kept going thinking that since it wasn't real it would just evaporate and I could pass right through it, but I found myself ramming into the clown and falling to the ground. I let out another scream and started backing away slowly.

Patrick's Perspective:
The guys and I were setting random junk on fire when we heard a scream from the woods. That sounded like Sofia I thought to myself. Without thinking about Henry or the others I sprinted into the woods in the direction of the scream. Come on Sofia where are you I thought as I scanned the woods. Just then another scream rang out, this one sounded closer. I ran faster and faster until I saw a red blob through the trees. I realized it was a clown and he was messing with Sofia. "Get the fuck away from her you creep!!" I yelled and helped Sofia to her feet. I held her arm and booked it down the trail. We finally got to the road and I stopped and looked back. The clown was gone. "I think we lost hi-" before I could finish she grabbed me and pulled me into a hug. I could hear her crying and it was hard to be mean to her. I gently push her back and wipe the tears off her face. "Just go back home. You'll be safe on the road." I say, scanning the woods again. "Can you walk me home..?" She asked and I meet her eyes. Ugh.. I can't say no to her.. I thought to myself. "Yeah.. c'mon.." I say and push her ahead of me. What am I getting myself into.
Sofia's Perspective:
That night I couldn't stop thinking about the way Patrick had saved me in the woods. He confused me so much. One minute he's doing something sorta sweet and the next he scares the hell out of me. I hear my window open and of course Patrick stepped in. I shut my door so my parents wouldn't hear, sat down on my bed and patted the spot next to me for him to sit. He awkwardly sat down and I got nervous. "How are you doing?" He asked as his eyes met mine. "Scared.." was all I was able to say. I swallowed the lump in my throat and sighed. "I know this is weird.. but will you stay here tonight..?" I asked trying not to sound desperate. He started to say no but I stopped him. "Please..?" I asked giving him my best puppy dog eyes. He finally sighed and kicked his shoes off.
The next morning I jump out of bed and start getting dressed. I throw on some makeup and pull my hair into a messy bun. I'm going to be so late for school I thought. I turned around to grab my shoes and screamed. Patrick was laying in my bed with his hands behind his head with his usual creepy grin. I completely forgot he was there. "Uh how long have you been awake..?" I scratched my head nervously. "Long enough." He laughed and winked at me. I remembered the time and quickly threw on my shoes. Patrick was already dressed but he started putting his shoes on too. "Hey I'll walk you to school." He said as he slowly stood up. "Uh no thank you.." I said quickly. "Sorry cupcake but I wasn't asking." He said as he grabbed me and pushed me towards my window.
As we walked to school I couldn't help but wonder what the kids at school would think when I walk in with the school's psycho. And I was right. Luckily the bell hadn't rang yet though. I walked into enrichment first and Patrick lurked behind me. I heard gasps and whispers and the whole class was staring. "Don't worry cupcake. They'll get used to us." I heard him whisper in my ear. When we got to our seats I turned around to face him. "What do you mean us..?" I asked with a glare. He just smirked and completely ignored me. In fact he ignored me the whole rest of that day. Even while they were tormenting the losers, he acted like I wasn't even there. When I got home I expected him to come in through my window but he never did. For some reason at that point I kinda hoped he would show. I was still scared from the events of yesterday that I didn't want to be alone. I picked up my phone and called Jane. "Hey.. can I stay over tonight?.. I've got a lot to tell you.." I said closing my eyes trying to calm my nerves.

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