Chapter Twenty-Four.

Start from the beginning

"You know you are not supposed to be on school grounds so I am going to give you five minutes to leave in a dignified manner or I will have no option but to call the police." I ordered but kept my cool, knowing that he wanted me to react differently.

My words didn't even resonate with him. He just continued to stand there with a smug look on his face but part of me knew that he wasn't going to just leave calmly and quietly. He was obviously here for a reason and he wasn't going to leave until he got what he wanted.

"Just seen the window repair man leaving..." He commented. "Bet that cost a pretty penny." He elaborated and with that one sentence, everything else made sense all of a sudden.

"So, it was you?!" I quizzed, even though I already knew the answer.

"Who else would it have been?" He retorted and it took everything in my willpower not to wipe that painted smirk clean off his face.

"DO YOU REALISE HOW MUCH IT COST ME TO HAVE THAT FIXED?!" I yelled furiously, my voice reverberating around the derelict corridor.

"It's no skin off my nose." He shrugged, brushing it off as if what he did was not even an issue.

It's become evident that his attitude has not changed one bit since being permanently excluded. In hindsight, maybe the decision I made wasn't the right solution after all. Either that, or Kyle is just one of those people that is completely matter what you try to do.

"I should really be charging you and your mother for the repairs..." I told him, gaining nothing but an eye-roll in reply. "You could have seriously hurt someone!" I explained but I knew that was probably going to fall on deaf ears as well.

"That was the whole point!" He confessed, hands firmly stuffed into his pockets as he looked down at the floor beneath his feet.

I'll admit, in all my years of teaching and headship, I have never come across a student who is as twisted as Kyle. He shows zero remorse for any of his wrong-doings and I honestly wonder what it'll take for him to realise the extent of his actions.

Part of me wonders about whether dropping the charges against him was the best idea because if I hadn't have let him walk away that easily, he'd probably be behind bars right now and not stood in front of me. Although, being the softie that I am, I let him get away with it. More fool me, I suppose?

"What exactly have you got against me, Kyle?" I asked, wanting to know what I had done that was so bad that he felt he had to take his hatred towards me this far. "Firstly, it was all that business with my car and now, you start damaging my school. How long have you even been hanging around here?" I quizzed, knowing that he'd obviously been hiding somewhere close to the school building.

"Long enough to see what a crap headteacher you are!" He declared, edging closer towards me. "So much for you saying you could turn this school around!" He yelled. "You let the likes of Finn Sharkey stay, yet you got rid of me with the first opportunity you got!" He fumed, clearly letting out a lot of pent-up anger and frustration towards me.

"This isn't the right place for you Kyle." I admitted, realising that he now deserved to know the truth. "You need to go somewhere that is more suited to your complex behavioural needs. If I'd let you stay, who knows what kind of position we would be in now?" I explained, trying to remain as calm as I possibly could.

"What a load of bull!" He screamed, slamming his fist into the wall, pieces of plasterboard flaking away as well as leaving a dent. "The only reason you let Finn stay is because he is screwing your daughter!" He spat, knowing that was the only card he could play in order to get a reaction out of me.

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