Finally reaching Hoseok, Yoongi took a deep breath. His lover smiled at him, taking his hand and kissing it. "You look very handosme," he silaid quietly between the two.

"Could say the same about you," he whispered back, his giddiness now getting to him. His hands in his, feeling the warmth and connection that bound them together.

The youngest of the two couldn't help but chuckle at him. "Are you ready?"

"As ready as I can be."

As if on cue, the music started playing through the speakers. They let go of their hands, standing on opposite sides as Jimin walked down, a bouquet of red and white flowers on his hands, and a smile as bright as the sunlight.

He felt his breath get caught on his throat, his heart picking up the pace once again. Swallowing his nerves down, he smiled.

Once Jimin stood in the middle of them, their officiant Namjoon, started with the ceremony. It was supposed to be quick and easy. They wanted the ceremony to be shorter so that the reception afterward could be longer. It would mean more time with their friends.

When it was time, his voice trembled with emotion as he began his vows.

"Hoseok, Jimin, from the moment our paths intertwined, my world has never been the same. You both have filled my days with love, laughter, and an abundance of joy. You've taught me the true meaning of acceptance, of embracing every part of myself and of each other. You've shown me that love knows no boundaries, no limits, and that together, we can overcome any obstacle that comes our way."

Yoongi's voice wavered, tears welling up in his eyes as he continued, his voice filled with unwavering determination and devotion.

"Hoseok, you are the sunshine that brightens my darkest days. Your infectious laughter and unwavering optimism remind me to always find the beauty in life. Your love is like a beacon of light that guides me home, and I promise to always cherish and protect that light with all that I am."

Turning to Jimin, Yoongi smiled through his tears, his voice filled with an overwhelming tenderness.

"Jimin, you are the melody that dances in my heart. Your gentle spirit and compassionate soul have taught me the power of vulnerability and empathy. Your love is a symphony that soothes my soul, and I promise to always be your biggest supporter and the one who listens when you need to be heard."

Taking a moment to gather himself, Yoongi looked into their eyes, feeling the depth of their connection, the unspoken words that bound them together.

"Together, we are stronger than we could ever be alone. Today, as I stand here before you, I make this solemn vow. I promise to love you unconditionally, to support you in your dreams, and to always be there through the highs and lows, the same way you have been with me. I promise to be a pillar of strength when you need it and a soft place to land when the world gets tough. I promise to honor and respect the beautiful bond we share, and to never take it for granted. Today, I give you my heart, my soul, and my forever."

With tears streaming down their faces, Hoseok started to speak to the both of them, "Yoongi, Jimin, you have both shown me what is like to love and to be supported infinitely. You have shown me what it is to have more courage, strength, and compassion than ever. I am glad our paths intertwined, and our lives became one. Even after so many obstacles, we came thriving back and stronger than ever. I promise to support you both, to love and cherrish you, and to stand by your sides forever. You are both the most precious beings in my life, and I will be forever filled with gratitude."

With a cracking voice, Jimin then started, "Yoongi, you and I have known each other since forever. Have had many ups and downs, many breakups and makeups," he chuckled, the crowd gather in front of them doing the same, "but each and every single time we managed. We even went out of our ways to find our other special someone. I am as happy as can be with the both of you. With all the love and support you show me every day. You are strong, you are brave, and you are so full of love and hope, and I hope that light never dims, despite what you say. And Hoseok, the literal sunshine of our lives. You have been a pillar during our hardest time, full of such love for us that is unwavering. Hoesok, Yoongi, I want out forever to be our always, and our love to be strong and special. You are both the most beautiful moment of life."

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