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One year had passed.

A year of happiness, memories, love, and joy.

Of struggles, battles, worries, and problems.

Of obstacles and solutions.

A year of adventuring and figuring out things.

One year of planning, organizing, and getting ready.

A then, a life changing event.

One he didn't think would end up happening if you were to ask him years ago. He would have called it a bluff the second it left someone's mouth. A total lie.

Yoongi was definitely a nervous wreck. To the point that he didn't know how to act and Seokjin had to coax him down from a panic attack three times now.

His best friend and man of honor sat in front of him with a cup of water as he fanned him down. His leg wouldn't stop bouncing at the thought that in a few minutes, he would be married to the two men in his life he would forever cherish.

That was right.

Today was the day.

Their wedding day.

They had been waiting for a long time and finally decided on their date to be in fall, when the temperatures were cooling down and the colors of autumn surrounded them. With the reds, yellows, and orange contrasting their black, grey, and burgundy color scheme.

Seokjin sported a burgundy suit with a black shirt underneath. The same as the rest of their friends who were assisting. Of course, Jimin had been the one to choose his white suite, while Yoongi and Hoseok decided on black and grey suits, with burgundy accents.

"You are fine, you dummy, it's not even a huge crowd out there," the oldest one spoke with a bright smile on his face. "It's just us, and some friends."

"It's not the people who are outside, it's what is about to happen," he replied, letting out a sigh and taking another sip of his water. "I'm actually marrying them."

Seokjin nodded, "yes you are, my friend is growing up so fast," he fake dried his eyes from tears causing Yoongi to roll his eyes at the dramatics.

He couldn't help but chuckle at Seokjin's antics, grateful for his friend's presence and unwavering support. They had been through so much together, and now they were about to embark on a new chapter of their lives. He was glad for all of his friends. All the support they had given him and his to be husband's. It had been a rough ride, but they were here now. It was real, and it was happening. 

As Yoongi sat there, surrounded by his closest friends, his mind wandered back to the day he met Hoseok and Jimin. At least as far as his memories went. At the hospital room with the weeping males next to his bed. It had been such a challenge back then. They had all been lost in their own ways, searching for something they couldn't quite put into words. Little did they know that their paths would intersect and create a bond stronger than they could have ever imagined. Stronger than the way it used to be before.

"Yoongi, it's time," Seokjin whispered, interrupting his reverie. Yoongi's heart skipped a beat as he stood up, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness. He adjusted his suit, making sure every detail was in place, and took a deep breath. It was time to join his beloved partners at the altar.

Making his way outside, Yoongi's eyes locked with Hoseok, standing by the arch, his face radiating with love and anticipation. He looked breathtakingly beautiful, like a dream come true. Every step Yoongi took brought him closer to him, to the love that had transformed his life in unimaginable ways.

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