Sure enough, it was swollen and had a humongous purple bruise from her wrist to the end of her forearm.

"Annie Marie! What did you do?!" I asked. This looks fucking broken!

"When we were skiing, I fell on it. I didn't tell you because you were already mad and I didn't want you to get more mad at me." She said, dropping her gaze to the floor.

What the hell.

"Annie, if you are hurt Im not going to be mad at you! You should've told me as soon as this happened. I'll take you to the doctor today." I said, carefully letting her arm go.

She shook her head fastly and said, "No, no. I'm fine, mom."

"Annie, it's literally broken. You're not fine." I said.

"I don't want to ruin this vacation for you." She pouted.

Again, my heart broke in a gazillion pieces.

"Baby, I don't think that at all! We probably aren't doing much today, anyway. Please don't think that. I love you." I said, kissing her on the forehead.

She smiled a little and said, "Love you too."

"Now, go get ice on the arm before you have to eat breakfast." I demanded.

"Yes ma'am." She laughed, then ran for the stairs.

I put the bacon on the skillet and poured the eggs in the pan. I don't know why they say I'm an awful cook. I think I'm doing pretty good.

"Good morning, hermosa." I voice said from the entry way, startling me.

I looked up at Wilmer as he walked across the kitchen and took a seat in one of the bar stools. "Good morning, baby." I said.

He began to yawn, and stretched just like how I did this morning. Then, I thought of what I saw in Annie's room.

"So," I smiled, "What were you doing in Annie's room?"

He smiled himself, before telling me how he went to get a drink and heard crying, then went and calmed Annie down. It actually made me want to do backflips out of happiness. I mean, it's terrible- awful, that Annie's having nightmares but it makes me happy that Wilmer was there to comfort her when I wasn't.

I slipped some eggs off the spatula and onto a plate, along with the bacon. Besides some bacon having a few black spots here and there, it looks pretty good.

"I have to take Annie to the doctor later." I told Wilmer.

He frowned, "Why?"

"She hurt her arm yesterday, I guess. It looks pretty bad. I know it's broken." I sighed.

"I'll go with you." He suggested.

"No, it's fine. I'm pretty sure they're going skiing and you should probably go help Eddie out." I giggled, recalling he kept falling and couldn't stay on his feet.

He laughed along, "You're probably right."


After going to the front desk in the lobby of the main lodge and asking for directions to the nearest doctor, Annie and I are finally in the car.

I got the map up on my phone and handed it to Annie so she could help me figure out my way there.

"We're gonna get lost." I half joked, pulling out of the lodge.

"Probably. This is a rental, mom. You can't wreck it." She said.

I smiled and exhilarated a little bit to scare Annie, which it worked.

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