Chapter 8 | 'Yay, Feast!'

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{ Luffy POV }

I fumbled with my papers trying to find our Topic for later, Ah! There it is. "Yosh, Now all i need to do is to review This before or While on the bus." I felt eyes look at me causing me to look behind just to see Zoro in his uniform, with a Bag?

"Whats the bag for?" My curiosity asked him "Nami gave me this early in the morning as you were asleep." Ooh That Girl who signed me up? I stood up and peeked into the bag he was handed, I found a red cloth as i was peering through it

A flashback reminded me of the dress she showed me, i giggled and pulled out the clothing and— Yep! Its the exact dress she showed me

"I cant wait to get to eat the feast right after~" i Fluttered around the room fantasizing about all the food. "Hey hey, Thats for later." Zoro took the dress from my hands and shoved it inside the bag Tch, Party-pooper "Come on we're gonna miss the bus." He dragged me out of his apartment to head to wait for the bus outside




{ Third Person POV }

Time Check : 9:00 A.M

"Alright everybody, Dont forget what we learned these past days." The teacher restricted, "Pshh, Strict guy huh?" A girl whispered from he crowd to Luffy's ear

'Huh'? Luffy turned around to see who whispered that to him, "Hey! Listen to what im saying Strawhat!" He got scolded the second he turned his back. "O-oh! Sorry Professor." He got a hint of embarrassment though he just brushed it off since he did scold alot of students before.

As the Dance performers Recited their Stages over and over again, somebody has kept pestering Luffy like for exapme; He'd feel somebody tackling his legs trying to cause him to trip, and or sometimes somebody would pull on his hair and get away with it.

The more annoyed Luffy grew, he knew he couldn't make a Fuss while in his current situation or they'll force him to do some sort of 'Punishment' for wasting their time

The raven started to attempt Guessing whoever was picking on him from behind with how fast or often they tackle him, the stranger pulled on his shoes and Luffy swiftly turned his head behind to see a woman with Dark long hair, orange eyes and a flower on her head.

"You're the one who's been been annoying me since earlieeer!" He pointed to the woman while yelling, "Oi Didnt i tell you to shut up Earlier?!" An angry Professor yelled across the room "But sir, She's been picki—" "No buts young man!" He interrupted What luffy was trying to explain

"Principal's office and say i sent you here!" Once again a strict attitude from his so called 'Professor'. Luffy sighed and crawled out the room with a sad expression knowing he'll miss out on the feast once he angered him.

A familiar long nosed walked around the corner as he was heading to the office, "Hm? Oh! Luuufffyy!" A man named usopp called out, The call got the boy's attention and he looked over to where and who called out his name since it sounded familiar.

He saw the man's face and immediately waved both his arms out to signal he could see him, Usopp walked over to him and asked "What're you doing here Luff?" He asked the strawhat, "Oh, i got sent to detention.." he rubbed the nape of neck feeling slightly awkward.

"Eehh? How come?" He acted as if he was surprised, "There was this girl pestering me during Before the Dance program and when i tried to tell the Professor about it he just scolded me." Luffy explained

"What? You joined the Dance program!?" Usopp giggled at the end "Well there was this feas—" "Never mind that, What did the girl look like? You should tell them about this." He said sternly.

"Well he had Dark hair, Orange eyes and a red flower on her head." Luffy described the woman's appearance from what he remembered. "Flower on her head..? I think i saw someone with the same Description awhile ago at the cooking club." The long nosed man rubbed his chin remembering what he saw yesterday while passing by the halls. "At the cooking club?" The raven asked, "Yeah, she was smothering the Blonde cook there from what i saw." Usopp recalled.

"Smothering Sanji..?" Luffy mumbled out, he cringed at the thought of somebody doing that to One of his 'Friends'.


779 Words in total.


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