Chapter 22

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Vernal Chevalier knew that the Princess-General was aware of his presence, but he didn't worry. As long as she thought he had accomplices, he would be fine.

Vernal didn't have an army. He hadn't had anyone in years. The former bandit didn't know what was worse: the fact that everyone he'd ever loved had left him, or that deep down he knew he deserved it.

He was mentally ill. Whenever something shocked him, another self took over. His other self was amoral, cruel, and went to monstrous lengths to get what he wanted. The longest he'd ever gone without losing sanity was the year and a half he'd spent traveling with Naeva Zero, the wonderful girl he'd saved when he was twelve.

Then she'd noticed. She'd caught on to the way he looked at things, how he started to lose himself, how his powerful intellect suddenly focused dangerously on whatever his other side had noticed. Upon realizing how dangerous Vernal was, Naeva had run away.

His rational side, or what was left of it, was glad. He was glad she hadn't gotten hurt by the creature in his soul. Unfortunately, that side had very little control when Residual (as he'd taken to calling his other side) made a decision.

So he'd run after her. In his rage, he'd attacked Naeva countless times over the course of several years, using the abnormal abilities with which he'd been born to survive the things she threw at him. All the while, whenever he took refuge with a Baykok clan, his rational side took over, managing to convince Residual that this was equally important. So it was that while Residual hunted Naeva, Vernal's true self was seeking out the stones of the old cults' Temple of Change.

Vernal had been born half-Gefroren. It was why his hair lay down unlike any Finstrese locks. While he wasn't familiar with the runes themselves, he knew the stories, as told by his father. Said father was a bandit leader in Finster, but he'd loved Vernal's mother and respected her memory enough to tell Little Vernal the stories he'd heard from her. The Talein were powerful beings from another plane of reality, who could only directly interact with the world through humans who called them. Some called them gods, though they denied this title according to the legends.

That was fine. Vernal didn't need a god. He just needed change. He'd found every rune that looked right, and the other lieutenant, an avid linguist, had the ones he was missing. He'd been studying, and with the help of the prince's notes, he was ready to call the Talein of Change.

The moment he'd started practicing the words (separately, not as a spell), he'd felt something in the air shake. Minutes later, a dragon had appeared outside Phazan. Vernal and the other lieutenants had been placed on city defense while Luisa took most of their forces to attack the dragon. With everyone out, this provided the space he needed to get to his study and finally complete the necessary preparations.

Bless her, Vernal thought. Residual responded with a string of expletives describing what exactly he thought of the princess-general.

He was so close. With the help of the Talein of Change, he could get rid of the psychotic personality that continuously overcame him. Somehow Residual didn't seem to mind the idea. As long as Vernal didn't bore him, the psychotic side never interfered.

Turning a page, Vernal made a few notes and left the linguist's office. He had the pronunciation guide, and he'd just swiped the last few stones he needed.

Paper and notebook under his arm, Vernal stepped out and made his way to the other study. I just need one more minute, and I'll be free!

Good luck, Residual thought, using a creepily cheerful tone that made it difficult to tell if he was being sarcastic.

Vernal rounded the last corner and found himself face-to-face with First Lieutenant Clemens. Elias glared at him, and it occurred to Vernal that he was in worse trouble than usual.

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