76. 📱 Static 📱

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📱 He is in an early development stage

📱 You would borrow his gold mic

📱 Even though he doesn't have a face, he can express emotions

📱 If he has a headache, his screen will show buzzing static

📱 He speaks through the hat he wears

📱 He is a fan of BF, but not as obsessed as Sky or Starecrown

📱 In the TV world, Static can see the outside through screens

📱 His favorite colors are gold and cyan

📱 He was inspired by the Richmond TV Head Guy

📱 Despite the fact he can't eat at all, he loves pickles

📱 He can simultaneously whip and nae nae (a dead meme)

📱 He is asexual

📱 He can stretch and extend his arms, able to reach top-shelf himself

📱 During the battle against BF, you were checking the characters on the screen

📱 You started to get worried about Static before the third song, Buzz

📱 You went through the green screen, escaped from the TV world, and Static started getting used to the world

📱 Before BF's battle, you couldn't escape the TV world

📱 Besides his passion for music, he also has a passion for graffiti art

📱 He also is a great skateboarder

📱 He could teach you how to skateboard

📱 He would introduce you to Pompom and Cyrix

Would you spend a day with this sentient television robot?

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