24. 🐱 Kapi 🐱

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🐱 You guys would go play in the arcade

🐱 You would compete in who is the best in arcade games

🐱 If you are good at Dance Dance Revolution, you guys would be there for hours only to end in a draw

🐱 Don't call him a furry

🐱 You would eat pancakes

🐱 You would listen to Beathoven repeatedly

🐱 You would also listen to a lot of rock music

🐱 It makes you laugh and tender when he says Nyaw

🐱 You would play Among Us (he always betrays you)

🐱 You also sometimes play Deltarune and Roblox

🐱 You would play Smash Bros and take revenge for what happened in Among Us

🐱 He is ashamed to purr near you

🐱 When you are bored, you watch the Madness Combat series

🐱 When angry, he turns his ears back and wags his tail a lot

🐱 Sometimes he behaves like a real cat (because he is a cat lol)

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