33. 😡 Little Man 😡

103 1 3

😡 Be careful so you don't step on him

😡 (insert Spotify ad)

😡 You watch the Jimothy the Spider vid

😡 He is alcoholic

😡 You usually see him angry

😡 Bruh

😡 Hold up and sit...(insert the rest of Ninja's rap)

😡 What you know about rolling down in the deep


😡 why u actin sus

😡 ayo the pizza here

😡 83 + 10 = 93

😡 He is very memey

😡 Even though he has a very high-pitched voice, he is 27 years old

😡 You sometimes see him as a stick figure

😡 He would present you to Bob

😡 And Ron

😡 Vine boom

😡 (shattered glass)

😡 During the battle against Boyfriend, you were producing all the meme sounds lol

😡 During Little Man 2, you were there agonizing and wondering "WHEN WILL THIS MADNESS END?!"

😡 During Big Man, you died from lead poisoning as well (Rip in pieces)

Would you spend a day with this...little man?

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