72. ✏️ Sketchy ✏️

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✏️ He would dedicate a drawing to you

✏️ He knows too many memes

✏️ He has a huge imagination

✏️ He hates Bob as a passion

✏️ When he sings, he sounds like a pencil

✏️ He can't have something that isn't naturally a drawing in his world

✏️ He drew you, and that's how you met

✏️ During the battle against BF, in Line Art and Sketched Out, you were doing little drawings on the sketchbook while Sketchy and BF was singing

✏️ During Rip and Tear, you were ripped with the page

✏️ Someone else draw Sketchy once again, and he drew you back into his drawing world

✏️ He can do the Spooky Dance

✏️ Make sure he doesn't rip his head off

✏️ He is transgender

✏️ You get to meet every drawing in the multiverse

✏️ He doesn't like to see you near BF

✏️ He knows other mod characters and sometimes draws them to meet those characters

✏️ Furthermore, he knows characters out of the FNF universe

✏️ He is a bit narcissistic

✏️ In the 7 years he was not drawn, you were a normal human before Sketchy was drawn once again, and thus, you were drawn once again

✏️ He would never draw BF and GF again after what happened last time

Would you spend a day with this sentient drawin

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