37. 🇳🇴 Tord 🇳🇴

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🇳🇴 He will spew smoke towards you when he smokes just to bother you

🇳🇴 If you like hentai, you would be reading hentai mangas for hours, before Edd gives you both a five-hour lecture

🇳🇴 He will show you how to use one or another weapon

🇳🇴 If you get along with him the most, you moved away from Edd's home along with Tord

🇳🇴 When you arrived at your new home, he told you about his plan to take over the world

🇳🇴 When you moved back, you knew it was time for the plan

🇳🇴 You were on the Tordbot with him until Tom destroyed it

🇳🇴 You were soon discovered in the robot's wreckage by Paul and Patryck

🇳🇴 He is completely insane

🇳🇴 You usually bother Tom

🇳🇴 After he recovered, you moved back to your home when you moved out of Edd's house

🇳🇴 "Yes, just like old times...", villainous line

🇳🇴 You would go visit Norway

🇳🇴 He is Communist

🇳🇴 He is mustering up the courage to redeem himself for what he did to the other guys

🇳🇴 He would try and recruit you to the Red Army

🇳🇴 He always goes in disguise through the street because there are wanted posters with his face on the street

🇳🇴 You would be watching Edd and Tord fighting over the neighbor's love

🇳🇴 (insert Tord's evil grin)

🇳🇴 You hate Tom as much as Tord

🇳🇴 During the battle against Boyfriend, you were watching Tord cough excessively from the inside of Edd's house

Would you spend a day with this Norwegian?

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