Chapter 9

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Marco's POV:
"You have to break up with Jackie."

Realization hit me once Star said that. I completely forgot about Jackie! Do I really have to break up with her?! I'm not sure if I want to be with Tom yet..

"Do I have to.?" I asked Star.

Star sighed. "Yes you kinda do Marco. You're clearly in a relationship already but might like or even love someone else. That's not fair to Jackie, is it now?"

I looked down. She was right. It wasn't fair to Jackie at all. For us to be in a relationship and for me to start discovering feelings for someone else.

That's when a portal opened up. A portal I recognized.

"Don't break up with Jackie!" Tom yelled as he fell onto the floor. "Ow."


He quickly got up and stood in front of me. "Don't break up with Jackie."

"What?- Tom, why are you telling him not to? He clearly should!" Star claimed.

"No he shouldn't!" Tom protested while looking at her. Then he looked back at me with his hands on his hips. "Look Marco, you should just stay with Jackie."

"Why?" I asked, a bit shocked, confused, and something else but I couldn't quite make it out.

"Well because, I just don't want you to throw your relationship away because of me. So just, just be with Jackie okay?"

He sighed and started walking away. He was heading towards the portal he created, but that's when I grabbed his arm and stopped him. "No Tom. I am breaking up with Jackie."


I interrupted him. "I may like Jackie, yeah sure I've always dreamt the day to be in a relationship with her and I finally am, BUT, It's not fair to Jackie. It's not fair for her and I to be dating, and for I to.." my voice trailed off and I stopped for a moment. " start discovering possible feelings for another."

Tom just looked at me. Not knowing what to say. That's when he forcefully took his arm back. He walked into the portal, it closing behind him.

I looked at the area where the portal was once lit up. Star put her hand on my shoulder. "Hey, cheer up. You can deal with him later. Right now we have to go deal with Jackie. To make you feel better though, after talking to Jackie, we can go get tacos. Whaddya say?"

I looked at her. A small smile formed on my face. "Yeah, sure. Let's go deal with Jackie and get those tacos."

Tom's POV:
"Marco's so stupid if he's going to break up with Jackie! From what I have heard, from Star (and a bit from Marco) obviously, she is an amazing chill girl who has a pretty smile and laugh. She likes skateboarding, she has quite the happy vibe, she's interesting to learn about, she doesn't care about the weird, she likes you for who you are.." I paused for a second. "She's a human, she's a girl, and Marco likes her."

I looked down and sighed. I walked over to my bed and threw myself on it. That's when one of the servants walked in and said that my dad and mom requested to see me.

I groaned as I got out of bed and headed to the living room. Most likely they'd be there. I went to the living room and spotted them. They motioned for me to sit next to them.

"Hey." That was all my dad said.


"Are you ok?" My mom asked with a worried look on her face.

"I'm fine mom," I reassured her while I gave her a warm smile.

"Son," my father began, "I'm sorry for the whole soul bond thing. I now realized how much it affected you."

"It's fine. Can I go to my room now?" I asked as I began standing up. "Yes," he answered.

I went into my room and decided to go inside my carriage thing. Why not? I made a quick portal leading inside of it and walked in. I made sure to shut the portal behind me and looked around. I put on some hard loud music, laid down on the couch I had, and relaxed for a bit.

Marco's POV:
I can do this. I, Marco Diaz, can do this. "Hey Marco, so why did you want to meet up?"

I froze for a bit before I could move again. "Marco?"

"Oh hah, hey Jackie." I said as I turned around to face her. "Well the reason I brought you here was because I needed to discuss something," I nervously said, rubbing my hand behind my head.

"Well what is it?" She put on her smile. Oh how I am going to miss her.

"I- I want to break up." I gulped.

Jackie just looked at me. Her smile turning into a frown. "Why."

Why? That one question I could always almost never be able to answer. I already know the answer to this why though.

"Because it wouldn't be fair to you. I have recently been discovering feelings for someone else. I would have stayed with you until I was reminded that it wouldn't have been fair to you at all. For us to be dating and for me to be discovering feelings for someone else. I care for you Jackie, and I do like you, but I don't want you to be in a relationship with someone who may start having feelings for someone else or with someone that may hurt your feelings." I looked down.

That's when she got closer. I looked up. She put on a warm smile. "I understand Marco. Thank you for being truthful. We can still be friends though, right?"

"Yeah of course, friends." I smiled and hugged her. "I'm going to miss this a lot," I whispered. She laughed. I let go of her and she started to put on her helmet and dropped her skateboard.

"I hope you treat her well, Marco Diaz."

She was about to leave until I spoke up. "Him." She looked at me in a bit of shock, but smiled afterwards, a bit more widely then before. "I hope you treat him well then."

With that she skated away. I can't believe I just broke up with her. I felt a bit sad I must admit. That's when Star showed up behind me and jumped on my back. "You did it! I knew you could do it Marco!"

I smiled a bit. I did it.

"Now the tacos!!" She yelled. Right.

We went to Britta's Tacos and I got 3 tacos. Star also got 3 tacos. We ate our delicious tacos in silence. Once we were done, Star spoke up. "Now you have to go deal with Tom," she said jumping onto the table while pointing at me.

I looked at her and said, "Yeah, I hope everything turns out ok." I sighed and used my dimensional scissors to make a portal that led to where Tom was.

I walked in and that's when I heard hard loud music. Wow this is killing my eardrums. I looked around. Wasn't in his room. I looked around again and spotted him on the couch. I walked over to him and noticed that his eyes were closed shut.

I tapped on his shoulder and he opened his eyes. I can say he was quite shocked to see me and quickly sat up. He snapped his fingers and killed the music.

"Marco-? What are you doing here-" I stopped him in the middle of whatever he was saying and talked over him. "We need to talk, Tom Lucitor."

When we danced [Tom x Marco] [SVTFOE]Where stories live. Discover now