Chapter 6

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Marco's POV:
I didn't know you were cable of freezing time until yesterday when Star accidentally did. Hey at least I was able to see Jackie.

Jackie has been my crush since forever. I actually talked to her yesterday instead of just nodding. I'm working on it. It's all apart of my 23 step plan. Jackie Lynn Thomas will be my girlfriend one day. One day, well if I don't get rejected but you know.

"So what are we doing today Star?"

"Ou ou! We should make a sculpture of Mewni's kingdom! That way it takes forever so like that we'll be busy and entertained forever!"

"Or we could just watch TV, eat pizza, and do nothing because it's a Saturday."

"That's better!" She said jumping across the table and going onto the couch. "Now to find the remote.."

"Try and look for it, I'll go get the pizza!" I shouted, opening the door and exiting my house.

I walked to Emilio's Pizza to get the pizza. I was walking along, saying hello to everyone I knew. That's when I saw Tom sitting on a bench? What the heck was Tom doing on Earth? Doesn't he have better underworld/demon stuff to do?

"Hey Tom," I greeted him, putting one of my hands up while the other was in my pocket.

He was looking down, not even looking up when he greeted me. "Hey Marco."

I sat next to him on the bench he was sitting on. "Is everything alright?"

"Yeah yeah. I'm just, just needed to get away and clear my mind."

"Oh ok."

We sat there in silence for a bit. "I'm going to Emilio's Pizza, to grab some pizza for Star and I, wanna come?"

"No thanks Marco. I just want to sit here."

"Oh. Ok. Uh, have a good one I guess," I said as I walked away to Emilio's Pizza.

Earlier that day.

Tom's POV:
"You called me dad? Oh hey mom." My mom greeted me with a hello.

"Yes Tom. Say have you found your soul bond yet?"

I looked at him and took a deep breath. "Yeah."

He looked at me with joy in his eyes and my mother looked very happy.

"Well where are they? Can we meet them?"

"No you can't." Disappointment flashed through their faces.

"Why is that? We really want to meet him. Maybe we could throw a celebration on you 2 being soul bonds!"

"No dad. He doesn't want to be my soul bond."

My mom and dad looked at each other with I think worried faces and then looked back at me.

"But son, he's your soul bond. He can't just say no to that."

"Well he did. He says we're just friends." I looked down while saying that.

"Well that's absurd! You guys were chosen to be together by the Blood Moon. Plus hasn't his soul been drawn to yours yet?"

"I don't know. I just know he doesn't want to be anything more."

"So you're just gonna let your soul bond go? That's not a Lucitor Tom. You have to go get your soul bond! When you do, let us meet him."

When we danced [Tom x Marco] [SVTFOE]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz