Chapter 1

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Marco's POV:
Ok Marco. Just go in, get Star, and get the heck out of there.

No one's POV:
Marco started scanning the room, looking for Star. He bumped into a few demons here, few demons there. A demon, assuming the organizer of the ball, got everyone's attention to start the Blood Moon ball. "When the light of the blood moon shines through the crescent-shaped skylight, it will select two people and bind their souls together for eternity."

Marco's POV:
I ignored the demon announcing what he was announcing because I needed to focus on trying to find Star. I heard something about "souls together" but I just brushed it off. That's when I spotted her. I also noticed that the music changed. I pushed myself through the crowd, and went to reach out Star's hand, closing my eyes while I smiled under my mask. I grabbed her hand and pulled her to me. I opened my eyes and realized the hand I pulled was Tom's.

Tom's POV:
"Ok wait here, don't go anywhere," I told Star as I ran off to tell the guy in charge of the music to change the piece of music.

Ugh. Demons. Always getting something wrong.

I made myself back to Star as soon as he put on the right piece. I was facing her back as she was admiring the light of the Blood Moon ball. When I went out to reach her hand, another hand pulled me over. It was a random guy with a hat and a skull mask. The light chose us.

Marco's POV:
Shoot! It's Tom! What the- Why's this light under us? I guess we have to dance? I have to dance with Tom?! I hope he doesn't kill me or know who I am.

Tom's POV:
This guy ruined everything! Star and I were supposed to dance under the light together! Not me and this stranger!

I glared at him, and we started dancing. I looked away. Everyone was starring at us and whispering things like, "Awh, they look so cute." That only made me angrier. People were supposed to be saying that about me and Star! That's when I looked back at him. Something in his eyes, made me, calm. I was soon memorized. He had pretty good dance moves. For some reason I wanted this to last for a long time. The way he danced. The way he looked at me. The way he looked. The Blood Moon ball chose us for a reason. It's never wrong.

Wait what am I saying? Just must be the Blood Moon ball effects. Yeah.

No one's POV:
Tom and Marco danced. Some gasped in awh. Some in shock. Star stood there, shocked. Her face then rested. She started to look in aw. She thought, "Would you look at that. Tom dancing, looking so calm and fascinated by this stranger. Most likely that he won't be after me anymore. He might've found someone now."  The light started to fade away, making the 2 stop dancing and just stand there.

Marco's POV:
The light faded. I let go of him, it was Tom after all. Crazy angry demon that's the ex-boyfriend of my best friend Tom.

I started to try to run away and grab Star to head out until Tom grabbed my arm.

"You! You ruined my chance to dance with Star! That dance was meant for us!"

Brian tried to calm him down, but Tom pushed him out of the way. That's when he started lighting everything on fire.

So this is the day I die. At a ball, by a demon with anger issues, and is the ex of my best friend. Never saw it ending like this. That's when Star used her magic and froze him before he had the chance to do anything.

She held out her hand towards me and said, "Hey, I'm so sorry about him."

I grabbed her hand and pulled her to the elevator.

"What the!- Let me go you random person!" She yelled out.

I pushed her into the elevator and took off my mask. I told the elevator guy, "Up please."

"Marco?! What the heck are you doing here!" She asked in shock and with a bit of anger.

"I got worried so I came to get you!" I answered putting my arms up in the air.

"Something bad could've happened to you! I told you not to come!" She shouted frustrated while slumping on her seat.

The elevator door opened and we walked onto her balcony of her room.

"I know I know and I'm sorry! I just wanted to make sure you were alright!"

"I can't believe you don't trust me! I'm 15, I can handle a demon. Plus I need a friend, not a hero," she sighed.

I sighed. "Look, I'm sorry Star, I won't do it again, but I did it because I worry."

She smiled. "Ohh Marco, Marco, Marco. You worry too much. I can take care of myself. I got a magic wand after all," she laughed.

"Oh yeah haha."

We stayed silent for a couple of seconds. That's when she spoke up.

"You danced with Tom Marco. I saw the way he looked at you. I have never seen him so calm. Well, he did almost kill you after the dance. But during it, he looked, calm. He looked happy for once."

I widened my eyes. "Well that's because he didn't know it was me haha. Yeah, if he knew it was me he for sure wouldn't look at me during the dance like that. He's most likely still going to go after you still haha." I said quickly.

"Oh no. I am not gonna go through that. Tell him it was you at the dance," she quickly said lifting her head up.

"No! Do you really want Tom to kill me? And if you say anything, I will never forgive you and I will ignore you forever," I said seriously.

"Ok ok! Geez, moody." She said crossing her arms.

"What was that?" I asked raising my eyebrow.

"Nothing! Let's just go make some nachos to eat!" Star said rubbing her hands with a wide smile. She exited her room, heading to the kitchen. I followed.

When we danced [Tom x Marco] [SVTFOE]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon