Chapter 7

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No one's POV:
Months have past since that day. Marco starting dating Jackie, and Star and Marco fought and defeated Toffee.

Marco's POV:
Ah, a day of relaxation. I'm happy, Jackie and I have been dating for a while. I like her very much. Hm, what to do today. I could visit Tom? I haven't seen him in a while? Yeah.

I grabbed my dimensional scissors and made a portal leading to Tom. I walked in.

"Hello? Tom?"

I walked around, that's when I heard something in the closet. I went over a bit scared, ready to fight whatever was in there, I opened it. It was Tom sitting in there.

"Tom? What are you doing in there?"

"Oh nothing."

He had a sad look on his. "Are you ok?" I asked a bit concerned.

"Oh yeah yeah, I'm fine," he smiled weakly.

I bent down facing him, "What's wrong?"

He looked at me. "Just.. stuff. It's fine."

Tom quickly got up and walked out of the room. Then he returned shortly with a glass of water. "Here." I took the glass of water and drank it.



"Hey, uh, I was wondering if you wanted to hang out?" I asked him while smiling softly.

"Yeah sure."

He gave me some movie options and I picked one about mystery. We sat down on his bed and started watching the movie.

"Jackie and I are in a relationship you know?" I suddenly said, turning myself to look at him.

Tom kept starring at the TV. "Who's Jackie? And congratulations dude."

"Oh Jackie is just this awesome girl I've had a crush on for forever. Now we're finally together!" I happily said.

"Yeah that's cool, lucky you."

I frowned. That's when I turned my attention back to the TV and continued watching.

I heard a faint mutter from him. I think he said, "Lucky her.."

Tom then laid on his bed and faced the side I wasn't on. I put my hand on his shoulder. "Are you sure you're ok?"


I suddenly got the urge to lay down with him. I've been noticing the tiny details about Tom too for some reason.

I laid down next to Tom and continued watching the TV.

"Hey Marco," Tom suddenly spoke up.


"I might go to sleep. You can go if you want."

"Oh no it's good, I'll stay."

Tom turned around facing me. He then pulled me into a hug, closed his eyes, and stayed like that.

"Uh, Tom.?"

"You can go if you want. My grip isn't that strong right now."

I thought about it for a second. Then I decided to stay. "I'll stay."

He opened his eyes and looked at me. He closed them again, and he whispered, "Ok."

Tom continued to hug me while I continued to watch the TV.

I ended up falling asleep for a bit too. I woke up after like 2 hours of sleeping. I looked around and saw Tom walking back and forth, shaking a little bit?

"Tom? Are you ok?"

He looked at me. Then he sighed. "I know how to get rid of our Blood Moon curse."

I stood up in excitement. This means that this will all finally be over! We'll finally be free from this!

As I was celebrating I noticed that Tom looked upset. I stopped and asked him, "This is good right?"

"Look Marco.. the only disadvantage that will happen to me is that my parents will probably be really mad at me for getting rid of my soul bond."

"Oh, they'll only be mad for a while though right?" I nervously asked.

"Yeah I guess. Just for a couple of months that's all. But..," His voice trailed off. "But.?"

He sighed. "I've been starting to like you a lot Marco ok? I know you don't feel the same way towards me which is why I am doing this. I am doing this for you. And maybe who knows. Maybe after we get rid of this curse, I'll start disliking you again and only like you as a friend."

I looked at him. "Tom.."

"No, no. It's fine. Let's just get rid of our curse."

That's when I got off the bed, walked towards him, and grabbed his arm.

"Are you sure about this?"

"Yes I am."

He made a portal to wherever the heck we were supposed to go. We brought his greatx? grandpa with us to guide us.

Tom explained that we were going to the "Severing Stone." Apparently it's a enchanted rock that possesses an edge so sharp that it can sever anything, be it physical, emotional, or even magical. That's pretty cool I guess.

We walked all the way over there, had a couple of obstacles in the way, but we managed to get there.

"Moment of truth," Tom said, looking at the stone.

Tom told me that Relicor, his grandpa, told him that we should stand somewhere infront of the stone? I don't know, Tom just led me to the spot though.

We held each other's hands in dancing positions, like we were in the ball. That's when the floor of where we were standing on started glowing and everything turned exactly into what the Blood Moon ball looked like, we were even wearing what we wore that day.

"Oh wow," I said impressed. I looked at Tom and he was looking at the ground. "So wanna dance?" I asked him, smiling under my mask that was put on me.

He looked up with a weak smile. "Sure."

We danced like when we danced the first time at the ball. This time is was more different.. like the feeling. I felt warm inside. I felt a tiny spark inside.

I realized that it was about to end and I think so did Tom.

"Before this is over. I'm going to the something real quick," he blurted out.

"And what is that?"

He leaned me over, got closer, and kissed me. On the lips. I didn't know how to react. I felt a warm feeling inside, a happy one, not quite sure why. He pulled away from the kiss and the dance was over.

That's when the whole scenery of the ball went away. My memory started getting foggy and I couldn't quite remember what happened.

"My grandpa says it done. He also says we just sacrificed the memory of when we first "fell in love" which is why we don't really remember much."

I looked at him. "Tom.."


"You kissed me."

He looked at me. "I have to go."

"Wait Tom-"

He quickly made a portal and went through it, shutting it closed behind him. I looked at Relicor and he just flew his way back I guess.

I can't believe Tom kissed me. I touched my lips. I kind of.. enjoyed it.? No, no, no. I like Jackie. I have a girlfriend, her name is Jackie. Why did I enjoy it though..?

This is all too confusing. I'm going home and see what Star is up to. I grabbed my dimensional scissors and made a portal back home, trying to forget all of this.

When we danced [Tom x Marco] [SVTFOE]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu