Chapter 8

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Tom's POV:
It's been a couple of days since, well since Marco and I removed the Blood Moon curse. I felt a bit different, but for some reason, I still seemed to like Marco.

I can't stop thinking about him...

Marco's POV:
It's been a couple of days since the day Tom and I removed our curse. Days since Tom kissed me. It felt weird, but enjoyable. I don't know how to describe it.

Wait.. this means I cheated on Jackie! Oh no, no, no, no, no! I am a terrible boyfriend..

I can't stop thinking about Tom though...

Suddenly I heard someone running towards my room. Star kicked open my door, she really has to stop doing that, and quickly went over to me and grabbed me by the shoulders.

"You got your curse removed and GOT KISSED BY TOM?" She yelled.

I looked at her in shock. How did she know? "What- I don't know what you're talking about." I said, trying not to look suspicious.

"Tom told me after I went to visit him."

"WHAT? WAIT- why were you visiting Tom?"

Star looked at me as if I asked a dumb question.

"Well you know- psh- because- you know. ANYWAYS. About your kiss now!"

I groaned. "Star, I don't really wanna talk about this."

"Please! How about I tell, what Tom told me on how he felt about everything yesterday?"

I thought about it. It did seem interesting on what Tom thought about the whole time. Yet again, should I really know? I'm assuming I'd have to tell Star what I also felt if I agreed.

"Soo? What do you sayy?" She asked smiling rather widely.

I thought for a little. "Hm. Fine. You go first though."

"Ok! Let's get comfy!" She laid on my bed while I was sitting on it.

"So I went over to Tom's. And well, I found him sad and I think when I looked at him, I saw a tear. Not a big one but a tiny one yet kinda noticeable."

I looked at her in disbelief. "Tom was crying?! Why?"

"Let me finish!" She said, pointing at me, while sitting up. She laid back down. "I asked him what was wrong. Tom was actually sad. He said he and you got your curse removed. Of course I didn't know about the curse until he explained. Kinda scary how before he wanted it to be me but we're not gonna get into that. He said you 2 went to the Severing Stone to get the curse removed. He also explained what it did. He told me what happened when you 2 were slowly removing the curse. He says he loved dancing with you you know. It was something he wanted to do forever, look into your eyes, watch you dance, have people say how cute you 2 are. That's when he said he made the choice to kiss you."

I sat there in silence. Not knowing what to say.

"He kissed you because he fell in love with you Marco. He knows you can't return the feelings back, but he loves you. Now, because you 2 went to the Severing Stone and got your curse removed, you 2 lost the memory of when you 2 danced the first time." Star sat up. "Supposedly, when you 2 first fell in love. He says he wished he could remember the enjoyable moment you guys had together. The moment where he didn't care about anything else but you. He loves you Marco. He fell for you."

She held my hands and gave me a warm smile. "He knows you won't be able to return the feelings back. That is why he told me to tell you to not visit him for a very very long time. He isn't ready to talk to someone who he loves and that that person doesn't love him back."

I looked at her with a hint of sadness, confusion, sorry, and shock.

Tom loves me? He loves me? I don't know what to say. I never thought Tom would.. fall in love with.. me..?

"Now your turn Marco. Tell me, what did you feel?" Star asked, her hands still in mine, and with a warm smile on her face.

I looked down. "Well, I'm not really sure. I was happy at first when I found out we could remove the curse. But when we danced, I felt.. actual happiness. I didn't know what I felt. It was like, I was happy and complete. As if I found what I was looking for. I had a tiny spark that lit up inside of me. That's when I realized that it was ending, the curse was almost fully removed. I was confused because I didn't really want it to end and didn't know why. That's when he kissed me."

I sat there in silence for a bit. "Tom kissed me and I felt something.. I felt a warm feeling inside. As if I were happy that he kissed me. I-I don't know why."

I looked at her with sadness in my eyes. She sighed. She still had her warm smile plastered on her face. She grabbed my hands tighter.

"Marco, I'm not an expert or anything, but I'm pretty sure that you like him, could learn to love him back since you like him a lot already, or you already do love him back, you just don't want to admit it. You're confused and you wanted to ignore all of these feelings."

I sat there in silence. Not knowing what to feel or say.

"Do you really think that..?" I asked her.

"I do Marco Diaz. Most importantly though, do you think the same?"

I looked down and thought for a moment. She's right. I've been having these feelings.., not wanting to admit I felt something..

"I do."

Star hugged me. "It's ok to feel these things Marco. Just know that he felt the same before, before he realized that he fell in love with you."

I hugged her back, closing my eyes tightly. I'm glad Star is my friend, she is the bestest best friend I could ask for.

She then grabbed my shoulders and looked at me in my eyes.

"If you want something to do with Tom, like let's say a relationship, do you know what you have to do?"

I looked at her a bit confused.

"You have to break up with Jackie."

When we danced [Tom x Marco] [SVTFOE]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu