Chillin Like A Villain

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Three hours later, Ben was fitted into his Isle look complete with leather, studs and of course a hat to cover his face. Jay, Mal, Carlos and Ben all ran outside and got into the limo. "Just beware Ben, when Mason was on the isle he was...different." Mal said looking at him, "I don't care, I love him Mal." Ben responded. "Mason is on the isle!" Audrey said getting in the limo, she was also in leather. "She is demanding she comes." Evie said get in. Mal nodded and took Jay's hand, the limo drove through Auradon and through the barrier. They parked up the limo and hid it, Ben got out and started looking around. He then walked up to someone and attempted to shake their hand, Jay ran over and pulled him away. "This is the isle Ben! There isn't any shaking hands. And Audrey, there's no smiling! you've gotta chill." Evie said before she started singing "Lemme tell u something u can really trust, everybody's got a wicked side! I know you think that you could never be like us, watch & learn so you can get it right", The VKs Joined in singing, "You need to drag your feet! You need to nod your head! You need to lean back, swim through the clouds. You need to not care" Carlos turns to Ben and sings, "Uh, you need to not stare" Mal looks at them and sings, "You need a whole lotta help. You need to not be yourself, you wanna be cool? Lemme show you how. You need to break the rules. Glad to show you how and once you catch this feelin', The VKs join in singing, "And once you catch this feelin', You'll be chillin', chillin' Oh Chillin' Like a Villain. Chillin' Like a Villain. Chillin' Like a Villain Hey Chillin' like A Villain." Mal then looks at Audrey and sings, "Your attention when you act like that let us teach you how to disappear! You look like you would lose a fight to an alley cat, you gotta be wrong to get right 'round here" Everyone joins in singing, "You need to watch your back, you need to creep around. You need to slide real smooth, don't make a sound. And if you want it, take it If you can't take it, break it If you care about your health" Evie rolls her eyes and sings, "Seriously you not be yourself, you wanna be cool? Lemme show you how. You need to break the rules. Glad to show you how and once you catch this feelin', The VKs join in singing, "And once you catch this feelin', You'll be chillin', chillin' Oh Chillin' Like a Villain. Chillin' Like a Villain. Chillin' Like a Villain Hey Chillin' like A Villain." Ben looks at the group and sings, "When you wanna be bad a lot andI'm giving it my best shot but it's hard being what I'm not!" Carlos turns to him and sings, " Well if you don't You're gonna get us caught" Audrey turns to Ben and sings, "He's right we gotta stay lowkey!" Eveie turns to the two, "Now show us how bad you can be '' Ben smiles and pulls Jay's phone, Evie's purse and Carlos' key's from his pocket. "Like this?" Audrey then kicks a trash can and sings, "Like this?" Evie smiles and sings, "Yeah!" Ben and Audrey smile and sing, "Oh yeah, I think I got this Let's go, I'm ready to rock this And now girl thank you for your help I think I found the words to myself" Everyone joins in singing, "You wanna be cool Lemme show you how You need to break the rules. Glad to show you how And once you catch this feelin' All: And once you catch this feelin' You'll be chillin', chillin' Oh Chillin' Like a Villain Chillin' Like a Villain Chillin' Like a Villain Chillin' Like a Villain Chillin' Like a Villain Chillin' Like a Villain Chillin' Like a Villain Chillin' Like a Villain"

Mason sat in the old VK hideout, it was somewhere they'd go to play games, cause mischief but it was mainly there to get away from their toxic parents. "I knew you'd be here." Yzma said appearing from the shadows, "Mother." Mason said standing up, "what are you doing here?" He added, staring at her. "Looking for you my sweet Prince." She said with her earily smile. "Stay away from me." He said taking a few steps back. "I'm so proud of you, continuing the plan without the others knowing." She said standing still. "That's not what I'm doing!" Mason added. "Is it not? You're my son! Your evil, it runs in your blood. You know that!" Yzma said. Suddenly she launched at him, he pushed her off causing her to fly back. His eyes glowed purple, "get off of me!" He shouted. "Magic? How the hell are you using magic?" Yzma responded, "I'm not, I work out a lot." He said walking up to her. "I'll be going." Yzma said a little scared, so she practically ran out of the hideout. "Wow." Mason said before he grabbed his spray can and continued painting a portrait of him, Mal, Evie, Jay and Carlos.

An hour later, Evie and the gang walked up to the hideout, Jay grabbed a rock and threw it at the street sign which caused the gate to rise up. "Of you go." Evie said, Ben nodded and walked up the stairs, when he reached the top he saw Mason spray painting. "Hey." Ben said smiling, Mason turned around and saw him. "What are you doing here?" Mason said, looking at him. "I came here to apologise, you look beautiful." Ben responded. Mason looked at him, "Thanks, I finally feel like me." He said getting closer to Ben. "You can feel like you, when you are in Auradon with me. Please come back." Ben said. Mason looked at him, "Auradon isn't my home, the isle is. Like you said, Auradon isn't the isle and that's the problem." Mason said. "I said that because I was angry, please don't quit us Mason." He said putting the beast ring on Mason's finger. Mason looked at him, "I love you." Ben said, Ben smiled. Mason then put the ring back in Ben's hand, "I can't ruin you" Mason said before walking back to the painting. The silence was horrible, and then Ben left clearly crying. Ben walked down the steps and out away from the gang. "I'm guessing it didn't go well." Evie said to the gang. "It's Mason, he's stubborn." Mal added. Evie walked up to the microphone, "May, it's me. Let me come see you!" Evie said. "Go away!" Mason shouted. "Where's Ben!" Carlos shouted, they all looked around. They were gone. Suddenly a shadow approached, "oh my god Ben, you scared us!" Carlos shouted. But the figure walked into the light, it was Harry hook. "Wheres Ben?" Jay asked, "we nicked him and to get him back. Mason must go to the chippe shop tonight. Alone." Harry responded before walking away giggling.

"YOU LET HIM GET KIDNAPPED?" Mason shouted to the group, he looked at the sky and saw it was sundown. "Well looks like I need to go clear up this mess!" Mason added putting on his jacket. "We are so sorry, we thought we could keep him close. Clearly word spread quicker than we thought." Mal said, Mason looked at her. "It's not your fault, it's mine. I should have told Ben how I was feeling. You guys wait here." Mason responded. "What? Your going on your own?" Evie said concerned. "I have to, if I don't they'll hurt Ben." Mason said before leaving. He walked down streets before arriving at Ursula's fish and chippe shop. Isn't it weird that Ursula is a fish but cooks and fries fish? He walked in and said, "I'm back." Everyone started, some scared, some confused. "Pity party of one, sit here please." Uma said pointing at a table. Mason sits down, "wow shrimpy, this place hasn't changed a bit. And neither have you, when was the last time I saw you? Oh I remember, you were covered in shrimp in the water. That was an amazing day." Mason said. Uma started to get mad, "My name is UMA! And that little Prince act, god I didn't believe it for one second." She said smiling. Uma then sits down, "arm wrestle, if you win I'll let Ben go." Uma says. Mason puts his arm up,"don't you wanna know what I get if I win?" Uma said. Mason laughed, "I'll win." He said. And the wrestle began, everyone surrounded to watch. Mason's eyes turned purple and he stated to win, "if I win, You get me fairy godmother's magic wand." Uma said, Mason broke concentration when she said this causing her to win. "YES!" Harry cheered. "Of you go MayMay." Uma said getting up. Mason got up and stormed out of the chippe shop. 

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