King Ben

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Before the carriage ride, Mason grabbed the cupcake and put it in a blue gift box, he was hoping Ben loved him without the spell but I guess he'll find out. When the Carriage pulled up, Ben was sitting in there, he helped Mason up and they started riding to the palace. Mason smiled and waved at the cameras as he went past.

On the Isle of the lost, the villains were watching the Coronation on their TV. "At last, we are broadcasting live from the Coronation where Prince Benjamin will soon be crowned king! I'm Snow White bringing you up to the second coverage of them all." Snow White said on the TV. The Evil Queen threw popcorn at it and said, "I'm Snow White." mimicking Snow. "Who is she kidding, she has definitely had work done!" The Evil Queen continued.

In the palace, everyone is getting ready for the coronation with the wand in its case waiting to be used by the Fairy Godmother. Everyone from auradon and other cities are here to watch, Audrey spins around in front of Chad to obviously impress him, the Fairy Godmother steps onto the stage.

Back on the Isle, the Villains are watching the TV and watching the Fairy Godmother come onto the stage. "Oh, Fairy Godmother is looking Radiant! But what is happening with Jane's hair?" Snow White said before the camera zoomed on Jane, Then the camera goes to Fairy Godmother as she reveals the wand. "And look, there's Fairy Godmother's wand!" Snow White said. " I want that wand!" Maleficent said getting closer to the TV. "Really? Haven't heard." Yzma said being sarcastic. "Oh, and here comes Ben now!" Snow said as the Camera changed to Ben and Mason on the carriage ride to the palace.

Mason and Ben are waving to people in the crowd, Mason is holding a blue box with the cupcake inside of it. Ben took Mason's hand and smiled, he then said, ""Don't be nervous. All you've got to do is stand there and look beautiful. No problem there." Mason smiled and blushed a little bit before he looked down. "Thank you." He said looking up at Bem. "Mason, would you wear my ring?" Ben said, handing him a purple box with a beast on it. Mason opened it and saw the ring, it was gold and had a mould of beast on it. "Um, maybe not right now. I think it would fall right off of me." Mason said looking at Ben. "But I have something for you!" Mason said smiling. "For me?" Ben said looking down at the blue box. "Yeah, it's for later when you need strength." Mason said smiling. Ben took the box and opened it to see a little chocolate cupcake. "Always thinking, but I can't wait." Ben said before eating the whole cupcake. Mason looked at him shockedly, "Do you feel okay?" Mason said looking at him. "You bet!" Ben said smiling. "Would you say you're still in love with me?" Mason said looking at him. "I'm not sure, I mean let's give the anti-love potion a few moments to take effect." Ben said smiling. "Okay." Mason said, he then realised what Ben said and said, "What?! You knew." Mason said shocked. "That you spelled me? Yeah, yeah I knew." Ben said smiling. "I can explain myself." Mason said worried. "No, it's fine. You had a crush on me, you didn't know my sexuality and I was with Audrey so you thought it wouldn't happen on it's own. Am I right?" Ben said, looking at him, "Yes, you're so right!" Mason said smiling. "Wait, how long have you known?" Mason said, losing his smile, "Since our first date, your spell wore off in the enchanted lake." Ben said looking at him. "So, you've been faking it since then, secretly meeting up with Audrey?" Mason said looking at him. Ben put his ring on Mason's finger and kissed it. Ben then said, "I haven't been faking anything." They both then arrived at the palace, they both then got out of the carriage and started to walk up to Belle and Beast.

"Well if it isn't.." The Evil Queen started to say but Yzma interrupted her. "My son, looking like a-" Yzma said but Snow finished her sentence saying, "Prince! Now let's see who this stunningly handsome prince is wearing. Evie!" Snow looked confused when she said it. "Evie! That's my Evie!" The Evil Queen said happily. "A girl named Evie designed his suit." Snow said smiling. "That's my daughter!" The Evil Queen said proudly. "Wow, she sewed a dress whilst my son duped a prince and is so close to grabbing the magic wand." Maleficent said smiling. "Don't you mean my son?" Yzma said looking at her, "Yes, same thing!" Maleficent said, taking no notice. "Bitter party of one. Bitter party of one." The Evil Queen said. Maleficent ran up the stairs and said, "It's happening people, it's happening. Gird your loins, gird your loins." Maleficent said running up the stairs. She stopped and said, "Villains, our revenge begins today!" Everyone started to laugh maniacally.

Ben and Mason walk up the steps to Belle and Beast who look proud to see them, Mason smiled and hugged Belle before he shook Beast's hand."I told Ben, this wasn't going to be easy." Beast said looking at the two of them. "But you also taught me that a king has to believe in himself. Even when it isn't easy" Ben responded smiling. "I did?" Beast asked confused. "I mean how very wise of me!" Beast said, smiling. Belle hugged him and said, "Ben we are very proud of you. You keep listening to your heart" Belle let go with a smile. "Thanks mom." Ben said looking at her. "You're going to make a fine king." Beast said taking Belle's hand and leaving. Ben take's Mason's hand and said, "Wish me luck." Mason then kissed him and said, "Good luck!" The Usher then clears his throat and Mason takes his hand walking away.

Ben started walking up the stairs, then the doormen bowed and opened the doors to reveal everyone in Auradon. The Choir was singing, and standing in front of them was Mal, Evie, Jay and Carlos ready to start the plan. Ben slowly walked down the aisle smiling at people when he's walking, When he walks past someone they bow or curtsy to show respect for the king. "Don't blow it kiddo." Maleficent said watching from the Isle. Ben continues walking all the way to the front of the aisle. The Fairy Godmother kisses Belle's cheek and bows to the Beast before removing his crown, Ben then gets on his knees and the Fairy Godmother puts the crown on his head. She then takes her wand from its case and said, "Do you solemnly swear to goven the the peoples of Auradon with justice and mercy as long as you shall reign." The Fairy Godmother said smiling. "I do solemnly swear." Ben said. Fairy Godmother taps his shoulders with the wand and says, "Then it is my honour and my joy to bless our new king." Suddenly, someone grabs the wand causing everyone to gasp in shock.

Suddenly a bolt of lightning shoots from the wand, and puts a hole in the barrier. "YES!" Maleficent shouts running over to the balcony. "The Barrier is broken, we're free!" The Evil Queen shouts. "Sceptre! NOW!" Maleficent shouts before poofing away in green smoke laughing. "Child, what are you doing?!" The Fairy Godmother shouts to Jane who is holding the wand. "If you wont make me beautiful, I'll do it myself! Bippity Boppity Boo!" Jane shouts but nothing happens. "Take cover!" Beast shouts. Sparks of magic are flying everywhere, but Mason manages to wrestle Jane for the wand and succeeds. The wand stops and everyone looks at him, suddenly the rest of the VKs appear in green smoke. "Give me the wand." Ben said. "Stand back." Mason said looking at him. "It's okay." Ben said calmly, Mason then shouted, "Ben, I said stand back!" Audrey steps forward and says, "I told you so." Mason aims the wand at her. He then looks back at Ben, "Let's go!" Carlos says, "Revenge time!" Mal added. Ben looked at him and said, "You really want to do this?" Mason looked sad, "We have no choice Ben! Our parents..." Mason said. "Your parents made their choice now you make yours!" Ben said. Ben looked into Mason's eyes, "I think I wanna be good!" Mason said, shedding a tear. He looked at Belle and Beast, and at everyone. "You are good!" Ben exclaimed. "How do you know that!" Mason shouted. "Because I'm listening to my heart, now it's your turn." Ben said. "My heart is telling me that we are not our parents!" Mason said turning around. He looked at Jay and said, "Stealing things doesn't make you happy! Victory Pizza with the tourney team makes you happy!" The team cheered. "And Carlos." Mason said looking at him. "Rubbing dude's belly makes you happy, who'd have thought." Mason turned to Mal and Evie and said, "Evie, you don't need to play dumb to get a guy! You are so smart!" He took Evie and Mal's hand and said. "Mal, being evil doesn't make you happy! Drawing and being with Jay makes you happy! You don't need to be evil to make people proud, you've made us all proud" Mason smiled and said, "And being evil doesn't make me happy. I wanna go to school, join the cheer team, let Belle and Beast take care of me the way my mother didn't and I wanna be with Ben." Ben was shocked and Mason turned around. "Because Ben makes me really happy!" Mason said, crying a little. He turned back around and said, "Us being friends makes me really happy! Not destroying things. I choose good you guys!" He then stuck his fist out, Jay stuck his fist out saying, "I choose good too!" He looked at Mal, she smiled and said , "No matter what situation, you guys have been there for me. I choose good." She then stuck her fist out. Evie smiled and put her fist out, "I choose good too!" Everyone looks at Carlos who said, "Our parents are going to be really mad!" Ben smiled and said, "They can't get you here." Carlos sticks his fist out and says, "Well, I choose good!" Ben then walks over and sticks his fist out and puts his other arm over Mason. The crowd applauded but the happiness didn't even last a second because thunder struck and green smoke started moving around the room. Everyone fell over as the green mist moved around causing Ben to be split from the group. Maleficent lands in front of the group and says, "I'm back!" 

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