Family Day/Fight Day

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It's 11pm, Jay gets up and just looks at his Trophy, he is starting to wonder if the plan was really what he wanted. Evie was awake as well staring at her Chemistry text, she was so proud of her score and it also showed her maybe she wanted to be good, Mal opened her sketch book and started to tear up, she actually started to like art class and Auradon. She was on the verge of stopping the plan. Carlos looked at Dude and started to cry a little, he didn't want to go through with the plan at all. Mason was in the kitchen making a cupcake to undo Ben's love potion. He started to sing. "A million thoughts in my head. Should I let my heart keep listening? I know it's time to say goodbye So hard to let go..." A tear drops from his eye and he says "Boomsha Reverse." A purple bang is heard and Mason puts the cupcake into the oven.

The next day, all of the VKs walked into Auradon prep courtyard to celebrate Family Day. Ben, Audrey, Lonnie, Chad, Doug and a few other kids were performing be our guest. Ben said, "Ma cherie Mademoiselle, It is with deepest pride and greatest pleasure that we welcome you tonight and now, we invite you to relax. Let us pull up a chair as the dining room proudly presents your dinner!" The kids start to join in singing, "Be our guest. Be our guest. Put our service to the test Tie your napkin 'round your neck, cherie and we'll provide the rest. Soup du jour. Hot hors d'oeuvres. Why, we only live to serve. Try the grey stuff, It's delicious! Don't believe me? Ask the dishes." The boys step forward and rap " They can sing, sing, sing. They can dance dance dance. After all, Miss, this is France and the dinner here is never second best. Go on, unfold your menu, take a glance and then you'll Be our guest, Oui, our guest, Be our guest C'mon, yeah be our guest, guest guest" Everyone then comes back together to sing, "Beef ragout. Cheese souffle. Pie and pudding en flambe. We'll prepare and serve with flair a culinary cabaret, you're alone and you're scared. But the banquet's all prepared, no one's gloomy or complaining while the flatwares entertaining. We tell jokes, I do tricks. With my fellow candlesticks and it's all in perfect taste that you can bet. Come on and lift your glass, you've won your own free pass. To be our guest, If you're stressed It's fine dining we suggest. Be our guest, Be our guest, Be our guest, Be our guest, Be our guest. Carlos and Jay automatically go to the chocolate fountain and start to eat anything they can, Mason grabbed a strawberry and started to eat it. Belle hugged Ben and said, "That was so lovely!" Beast even cracked a smile and hugged his son. Jay then starts to lick the Chocolate fountain which everyone noticed. Belle, Beast and Ben posed in front of a camera for a family photo when Ben said, "Oh I got a new partner" Belle smiled harder and said, "oh I never wanted to say anything but I always thought that Audrey was a bit stuck up and self absorbed." Belle said this without moving anything. "Do we know your new girlfriend?" Beast said, smiling. "You might know him! Mason!" Ben said, Mason started to walk over. "1..2..3" the photographer took the photo with Belle and Beast shocked and Ben smiling. Mason hugged Ben, Ben then said, "Mom, Dad this is my boyfriend Mason." Mason smiled and said, "It's very nice to meet you!" Ben looked at his parents and said, "I was thinking he could join us for lunch." Beast smiled and said, "Of any friend of Ben is a friend of ours." Mason smiled and said, "Could my friends join too?" Belle and Beast looked over, the group smiled and waved. "Sure! The more the merrier" Belle said smiling. "And how about a croquet game before lunch?" Beast said. "You're on!" Ben said before taking Mason's hand and leaving.

At Croque, Mason was playing with Ben when a little girl bumped into him, "Sorry." She said with a smile. "It's okay sweetie, what's your name?" Mason said smiling. "Krystal, what's yours?" Krystal said smiling. "Mason." Mason replied. Kronk then walked over and picked up his daughter, "Don't run away like that." He said smiling. "Sorry." Kronk said before looking at Mason. "Yzma! You escaped!" Kronk shouted. "No, no. He's not Yzma." Ben said, taking his hand. "He's Mason, her son." Ben continued. Kronk ran away with his daughter. Queen Leah walked up to Mal and said, "Hello." Mal replied with, "Hi!" Queen Leah looked at her up and down and said, "Have we met before? You look awfully familiar." Mal looked confused and said, "no I don't think we have." Audrey walks up, "Oh Audrey, give grammy a kiss dear." Queen Leah said. Mal turned around and said, "Grammy?" Audrey looked at her disgusted and said, "Sleeping Beauty's mother. Grammy, I don't think you should be talking to this woman. Unless you wanna take another 100 year nap." Queen Leah looks at her and shouts, "YOU! How are you here? And how have you stayed so young?" Ben runs over and says, "Queen Leah, Maleficent is still on the isle. Remember my proclamation to give the kids on the isle a chance?" Queen Leah looks mad and says, "For what Ben? The chance to destroy us? You remember don't you? The apples. And the spells! My daughter was raised by fairies because of YOUR mother's curse! Her first steps, her first words! I missed it all!" Mal goes to apologise but Chad steps in front of her and says, "No, go away! Stay away from her!" Ben gets angry and says, "Don't do this chad." Chad looked at Ben and said, "What? They were raised by their parents Ben, what do you think Villains teach their parents Ben? Kindness? Fairplay? No way okay! Uh-uh!" Chad points at Mason and says, "You stole a girl's boyfriend." He then points at Mal and Jay and says, "You two enjoy hurting people." He then looks at Evie and says, "You, your nothing but a gold digger and a cheater." Evie grabs her mirror and says, "Mirror, Mirror in my hand. Who's the biggest jerk in the land!" The mirror shows Chad, Chad pushes Evie's hand causing Jay to tackle him. "Jay, get off!" Mal said he got off and Mason said, "Poppy, Yar and Brisbane steep, make this person go to sleep!" Chad falls asleep, collapsing to the ground. "Guys!" Ben said. Mason grabbed a potion bottle and threw it on the floor, in purple smoke they were gone. Chad eventually wakes up, Ben looks at his parents who look disappointed. "I feared something like this would happen." Beast said disappointed. "This wasn't their fault!" Ben said, angry. "No son, it's yours." Beast said before him and Belle walked away. Everyone stares at Ben.

The group sat on a bench not touching their food, Ben walked over saying "Hey Guys! How is everyone." No one said anything, "Beware forswear, redye my hair." Mason muttered, making his hair blonde again. "Let's just forget about today, alright? It was nothing, forget about it. Let it go. Saturday after the coronation, everything will be okay. I promise" Ben said, putting his hands on Mason's shoulders. "I have to go." He whispered to Mason before kissing him. He then walked away and Doug walked over to Evie and said, "Listen Evie, I wanna talk about earlier." Chad shouted, "Doug!" Evie looked at him and said, "It's my fault Doug, I'm sorry." Chad repeats himself and Doug walks over to him. Audrey and Jane walk behind Mason. "How long does he think, that's going to last. Mason is just a bad boy who Ben is dating for publicity" Audrey said. Jane laughed and said, "Everyone knows, he won't make a VILLAIN a king." They both then walked away, "Beware-" Mal starts to say but Mason stops her, "Let me." He stands up and faces Jane. "Beware forswear undo Jane's hair!" He watched her hair return to its previous state. "You can't do that!" Audrey said looking at him. "Do I look like I'm kidding?" Mason said before grabbing his spell book, everyone runs away. "Let's blow this popsicle stand." Mal said standing up. All of the VKS follow and walk.

At night, the VKS are in Jay and Carlos' dorm discussing the plan for the coronation. "Okay, we all know what this looks like so We'll be up on the dais on the beasts spell jar and we will be coming in from here. Mason will be at the very front whilst the rest of us will be on the balcony." Mal said pointing at the map. "Then when I grab the wand, you use the potion I give you to poof down and then we can use a second one to poof to the bridge where we can open the barrier and let everyone out." Mason said, holding his spell book. "Evie, use this to knock anyone out who comes in the way of us exiting, two sprays and they are out like a light." Mason then starts to make the potion, a few minutes later the cauldron bangs and the potion is ready. He puts it in two glass vials and hands one to Mal. "Do not let it break, if you do and you don't have a clear place in mind you could end up anywhere." Mason said, handing one to her. Mal nods and puts it in her bag, "Are we really going to do this?" Carlos asked. "Yes because we are rotten." Mal said. "To the core." everyone said. 

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