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So now that Go Outside Part 2 is posted, the series is gonna steer away from the actual game and more just headcanon crap. Think of it as one-shots (I'll except requests) but in the same timeline. So, here are a bunch of headcanons so that y'all aren't lost. 

Stanley headcanons 

Pansexual, Demiboy 

37 years old 

Was actual born mute, The Narrator had nothing to do with the fact he can't speak. 

Chaotic Good 

Birthday: 4/27/??


Loves hugs <3

Most likely has ADHD since he gets distracted so easily (and also would explain his love for clicking buttons so much)

At times can be a annoying little shit 

Afraid of spiders 

Airheaded (Again, explains his love for buttons)

Pretty good at video games 

Really does NOT like horror movies 

Sometimes thinks about his "wife" and then ends up getting sad ( :( )

The type of person to just randomly burst into the room with a fucking princess dress while singing Sofia the First. 

Really fucking light for some reason (in weight)

Makes really crappy excuses for things (e.g "Ah sorry I was erm, admiring the floor") 

Mariella headcanons: 

Lesbian, Female 

35 years old 

Lawful good (but sometimes Chaotic good)

Birthday: 2/13/??


Good girl (But the Narrator doesn't really thinks so) 

Likes doing dumb shit with Stanley (e.g "Hehehe lets set the copy machine on fire, what could go wrong")

Her Narrator is Tor

Used to work at the Future Happiness Foundation before "aLl oF hEr CoWoRkErS wEnT MIsSiNg"

Has a really similar story to Stanley, but instead of a mind control facility, she finds a giant doomsday device, but if she turns it on she explodes as well. 

Honestly just a bean (So is Stanley UmU)

She and Tor will look at the Narrator and Stanley and be like "hehe gay gay homosexual gay gay"

Really likes Tea

Into romance movies

Is always the one to accidentally walk in on people 

Poor baby gets a lot of bad luck 

Tor headcanons:

Bisexual, Demigirl 

370 years old (The Narrators cant die of old age)

Very crappy eye-sight (So she got them red glasses)

Chaotic Neutral 

Birthday: 7/31/???


Technically The other Narrator's little sister (even though mentally she's older)

Sometimes join in on the dumb shit with Stanley and Mariella (e.g "Hehehe lets throw those fuckin rock things that make explosion sounds at Nar even though he's afraid of unexpected loud noises, what could go wrong")

Also can be really annoying 

One inch taller then The Narrator, but she wears high heels and has puffy hair so she looks taller. 

Interacts with Mariella in person more then just narrating her. 

Her game's equivalent of the zending is a ending in which Mariella literally abandons her 

Sometimes forces the Narrator to do dumb shit 

I say that she is mentally the older sister cause the Narrator is emotionally clingy (poor baby)

Has mixed feelings about the Curator 

The Narrator headcanons:

Demisexual, Agender 

Literally does not give a crap about the concept of genders or pronouns, so you can use whatever 

370 years old 

Very crappy eyesight (Like, he should be considered legally blind for how bad it is)

Lactose intolerant 

Allergic to pollen 

Most likely has Anorexia (causing him to dry heave after eating) 

Lawful good 

Birthday: 7/31/???


Technically Tor's little sister (They're technically twins but he's older)

Sometimes the victim of Stanley's, Mariella's, and Tor's dumb shit 

Sleep deprived 

Literally has not seen the sun in years, his skin is nearly white

It's physically impossible for him to swear (When the Curator makes Narrators, she makes an average looking human, then kinda just goes ham on the controls to make them unique. When she did it for Nar, it accidentally caused it to be impossible for him to swear. Whenever he tries to swear, his hand will muffle him.)

Really afraid of unexpected loud noises, especially thunder. 

Not on the Curator's good side. 

Has shitty health (both physical and mental)

Can speak around 8 different languages 

Likes horror movies, but not the gory ones. Mostly the ones with puzzles like jigsaw, squid game, death bell, and a bunch of korean/japanese stuff 

I might add more stuff but that's about it. Requests for what you'd like to see are open. 

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