Coward Ending

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Stanley blinked awake and immediately felt like an idiot. Why the hell did he do that? The sign clearly said he would die if he attempted to jump off. Feeling confused, Stanley simply closed his office door, and sat on the floor. 

"But Stanley simply couldn't handle the pressure."

Stanley blinked. He hadn't expected the Narrator to actually speak. 

"What f he had to make a decision? What if a crucial outcome fell under his responsibility? He had never been trained for that! No, this couldn't go any way except badly."

Stanley at first felt a bit taken aback. Was the Narrator calling him weak? But as he read over what he had just been told, Stanley realized that this was something the old him would have thought. Stanley had never realized up until now how much he has changed as a person. He felt less of a coward then he was before. Odd, timid Stanley, a new man. 

"The thing to do now, Stanley thought to himself, is to wait. Nothing will hurt me. Nothing will break me. In here, I can be happy, forever. I will be happy."

This was not true. Stanley wouldn't be happy sitting in here. He would be much happier walking around. Stanley would rather walk around listening to the Narrator. Stanley blinked as he realized that he had grown attached to the Narrator, despite him being the reason Stanley is stuck in the mess. 

"Stanley waited. Hours passed. Then days. Had years gone by? He no longer had the ability to tell. But the one thing he knew, for sure, beyond any doubt, was that if he waited long enough, the answers would come. Eventually, some day, they would arrive. Soon, very soon now, this will end. He will be spoken too. He will be told what to do. Now it's just a little bit closer. Now it's even closer. Here it comes..." 

But instead of 'Answers' everything simply cut to black. 

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