Museum Ending

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A full week had passed and Stanley came back. He assumed that what the Narrator had meant by "A few days" was around a week. That's how long it usually takes to get over a fever at least. Stanley stepped out of his office and waited a bit. But something caught his attention, the phone was ringing. It took Stanley a minute to find the ringing phone but eventually he found it and answered it. "Good morning! Thank you for contacting the future happiness foundation. We are confirming the shipment of 1,327 cardboard boxes to your place of work. Can you verify  that this is correct?". Stanley clicked a button and there was a beep before the woman kept talking. "Excellent! Your order will arrive shortly, thank you again for contacting the future happiness foundation!" and with that the lady hung up. Stanley decided to wait in his office for a little bit until the Narrator was ready once again. After five minutes, Stanley stepped out of his office and noticed a difference. There was now a bunch of cardboard boxes on top of his coworkers desks. But another thing. The Narrator was back. 

"Blah, blah, co-workers. Blah, blah, meeting room. You know the drill by now."

Stanley cracked a small smile before walking down the hall until he reached the familiar two doors. 

"Blah blah blah door on the left. Sorry Stanley for my tone but I'm not myself when I get interrupted in the middle of a nap."

Stanley winced. Did the phone call he receive wake up the Narrator? Trying not to dawn on this thought for much longer, Stanley took the door on his left. He walked down the hallway until reaching the empty meeting room. Stanley heard the Narrator say in a whisper:

"Holy- Did he really just listening to me? Or are these medications having side effects?"

Stanley let out a inaudible chuckle, though one part of him was concerned that the Narrator might be taking drugs. 

"Yet there was not a single person here either. Feeling a wave of disbelief, Stanley decided to go up to his boss's office, hoping he might find an answer there."

Stanley walked towards the stairway again. Not wanting to relive the last ending, he went upstairs before the Narrator could even say so. The floor of the boss's office was much different from the rest of the building. The floors and half the wall were made out of wood, while the other half of the wall was a red velvet wallpaper. Stanley opened the door to the boss's office. No one was there. 

"Stepping into his manager's office, Stanley was once again stunned to discover not an indication of any human life. Shocked, unraveled, Stanley wondered in disbelief who orchestrated this, what dark secret was being held from him!"

Stanley was starting to think that the Narrator was one of those kids who actually enjoyed English class. 

"What he could not have known was that the keypad behind the boss's desk guarded the terrible truth that his boss had been keeping from him, and so the boss had assigned it an extra secret pin number: 2-8-4-5. But, of course, Stanley couldn't possibly have known this."

Stanley, not in the mood for the Narrator's sarcasm, punched in the code. This lead to a massive secret passageway opening up by the fireplace. 

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