Narrator POV: Zending Ending

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After the ending... 

The Narrator took off his headset and put his head on the desk. Why? Why did Stanley had to take that away from him? Why does Stanley hate him? He couldn't move on right now. The Narrator took his hands off his face and looked back at the screen. Stanley was sitting in his office with a blank expression on his face. The Narrator took a paper and pencil, quickly scribbled a small not making some excuse that his microphone stopped working, and threw it into the screen. The paper landed into Stanley's office and hit Stanley's hand. The Narrator, turned off his computer and stared at the ceiling. He prayed that Tor wouldn't randomly come over. She, to the Narrator's annoyance, did this a lot. She is so extroverted to the point where she is just plain annoying. The Narrator's glasses started fogging up as he started thinking about the events that just took place. He had to witness Stanley continuously throw himself from a ledge until they were laying on the floor dead. It was disgusting. Yet, to the Narrator, it was also heart wrenching. Why couldn't he feel true happiness? Unlike Stanley, the Narrator rarely got to see something pretty. Something that made him feel like he had meaning. He had a purpose to fulfill. But, why couldn't he enjoy life? The Narrator took off his glasses, because currently, even with them on, his sight was blurry. The sight of everything being unfocused gave him a small headache so he rested his head on his arms. Then, he heard the faint sound of his door front open. Letting out the groan of annoyance, he raised his head once again and put on his glasses.  Suddenly, his bedroom door flew opened and a bunch of streamers and confetti came flying at his face. Attempting to get the party supplies off him, the Narrator opened his eyes and saw Tor blowing a party blower obnoxiously loud. "Tor, what the absolute hell" he said, sounding less annoyed and more exhausted. "Ay! Happy birthday!" Tor said, throwing more confetti in the air. The Narrator blinked and looked over at his calendar. It was in fact his birthday. Though age was irrelevant to people like the Narrator and Tor, some of them would still celebrate there birthday. The Narrator wasn't one of these people.  But... Tor was. "Tor, i'm not in the mood" Narrator grumbled, rubbing his eyes sleepily. "Stop lying, of course you are!" Tor said, grabbing him by the arm and pulling him out of his seat. "You always sit at your desk, doing work. Take a break for once!" she said, the smile not leaving her face. "I don't have time" The Narrator said, attempting to pull away from Tor. "You clearly do, if your computer is off" Tor said, the tone of happiness in her voice faltering. The Narrator clamped his mouth shut and sighed. "Fine" he said. "There is another reason i'm doing this" Tor said, oddly calmly. The Narrator blinked. "What other reason is there?" He asked, wearily. "You seemed... troubled. I want to do this to take your mind of things" Tor said. "I appreciate your efforts but that doesn't work with me" The Narrator said, a bit passive aggressive "I don't simply forget easily". Tor sighed. "I know, but, just let me try" she said. The Narrator sighed as well. "Alright" 

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