Escape pod ending

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Stanley woke up. He was still in his office, but this time, the door was open again. Stanley got up and walked at of his office, heading for the two doors. 

"All of his co-workers were gone. What could it mean? Stanley- ok yeah you can guess the rest"

Stanley chuckled and continued on. 

"When Stanley came to a set of two open doors, he entered the door on his left."

Stanley obeyed and started walking to the meeting room. 

"Yet there was not a single person here either."

Before the Narrator could say the rest, Stanley was already through the door. 

"Coming to a staircase, Stanley walked upstairs to his boss's office." 

Stanley walked up the stairs and towards his boss's office, but something stopped him. A really odd idea occurred to him. Stanley stepped into his boss's office, but before the doors closed, he rushed back out. The Narrator didn't speak. Stanley couldn't hear the Narrator. Stanley panicked a bit. Did he break the game? Unsure about what to do, Stanley turned around and walked back down the stairs, through the meeting room, and towards the office. But when Stanley got to his office, the door next to him was open. Stanley blinked and walked in. The hallway was very dark and there was a light up ahead, illuminating a sign. The sign said "You are now leaving". Stanley blinked. Leaving? Leaving where? Confused, Stanley continued down the hallway, which was now moving to the left. He came across a fork being separated by an elevator. Stanley took a peak at right. It led to a dead end, while the left looked like it led somewhere. Stanley went to the left and saw a sign. "Escape pod bay floor 760" it read. Stanley blinked (Stanley has a blinking problem apparently). An escape pod? One part of Stanley started to think "Yes! Finally! Everything can go back to what it was!". But the truth was, Stanley didn't truly feel like that. The things the Narrator had told him had sunk to deep into his skin. It was unchangeable. Even if this escape pod turn everything back to normal, Stanley knew it would never be back to normal. The memories would drive him mad. But most importantly of all was the Narrator. Stanley thought that if he were to leave, he would actually miss the Narrator. Not only that, but Stanley thought that it might destroy the Narrator. Stanley shuttered, remembering the Narrator's distressed pleading cries a few endings ago. Well, there was no where to go but through the door in front of him. Stanley walked forward and found himself on a stairwell leading up. Stanley hesitated before climbing the stairs.  The stairs ended at a hallway with the number "755". This lead Stanley to assume he would have to climb five more flights of stairs. Stanley continued walking and turned to the left twice, leading to another stairwell. Stanley one again climbed it until he reached another hallway. This hallway's number was "756". Stanley took two lefts again and as he expected, found himself at another stairwell. Letting out a sigh, Stanley started climbing this one as well. "757" then "758" then "759". Stanley was now walking up the last stairwell, mentally preparing himself. Finally, he made it to 760. There was a large sign that said "Escape pod launch bay" with an image of a stickman running towards a pod. Stanley took a left and was greeted with the words "escape". Was it really? Stanley looked behind him, muttered an inaudible goodbye, then walking through the door. The hallway he was walking through was completely black and at first Stanley felt as if he was lost. Then, he noticed a red light up ahead. Curious, Stanley walked toward it. It was a red pod. Hesitantly, Stanley stepped into the pod before everything suddenly turned black. 

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