Getting trapped

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Stanley once again woke up in portal. He had absolutely no idea why he decided to do this ending. Maybe just to mess around. 

"Hahahahaha! YES! I don't even know what this game is, but I love it! You... trapped in a glass box, with no way out, listening to me talk... Oh it's inspired. I couldn't have done it any better myself. What is this game even supposed to be? I can't figure it out. Okay, now I'm curios. Let's go find out what the hell this is." 

The wall to Stanley's left opened up, allowing him to leave. Knowing the drill, Stanley picked up the iconic portal radio and walked to the first puzzle. 

"Ohhh! It's a puzzle! Critical thinking, Stanley. Your forte."

Suddenly, an idea came to Stanley. It was dumb, sure, but the thought of the Narrator's reaction amused him. Stanley put the radio in front of the door, then walked over to the cube and put it on top of the radio. The first couple times, the cube didn't balance on top of the radio. But after a while, it finally managed to balance. Then, Stanley himself stood on the button. The box fell over into the doorway, but only halfway through. Annoyed, Stanley started kicking the box. At the first kick, he was sprung backwards, but for the others he stayed in his spot. Finally, the box got through the door. 

"Now, how did you manage that? Are you really trapped in here? I'm actually quite impressed! I don't think there's a simpler puzzle out there, and you've still broken it! Well, since I don't intend to open that door, I guess you and this giant button just need to get cozy together. A dream for you, I'm sure. Enjoy."

Stanley actually stayed there for awhile, listening to the music, pushing the button, even taking a small nap, before becoming bored and resetting the game. 

The Stanley ParableOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora