Secret disco

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Stanley tapped his foot impatiently, waiting for the lift to come done. According to the letter, one of the achievements were here in the mind control facility. He'd just have to wait for the door that leads away from the lift to open. It was taking an annoyingly long time. The Narrator kept rambling on with his usual spiel, but all Stanley could hear was white noise in his mind. Finally, the door opened. Stanley walked across the bridges, trying to figure out what button to push. Finally, he just clicked that button for the lights. At first, nothing happened. Stanley wondered if he had pressed the wrong button or if the game broke. But suddenly, the monitors started changing different colors, text starting moving around the room, and catching disco music started playing. Stanley attempted to read the text. Most of it just said "YOU FOUND A SECRET!!!!1!1!!1!1!!1!!11!11!!1" or something of that variant. So, Stanley simply danced for a bit. 

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