He knows!

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3rd POV:

Snipe: I wonder if there is a reason for him to just observe them the hole day? Couldn't he just attack them?

Mic: Maybe he has something planned?

All Might: My boy is not stupid of course he has something planned.

Midnight: How did he even hide from the others that well?

Snipe: What do you expect with Aizawa as a teacher?

Nezu: I believe that has something to do with his past.

Hound Dog: You mean his past of being quirkless?

Nezu: Do I even need to answer that?

Hound Dog: That only show the mental scar he has.

Snipe: Okay so sneaking around is a given when you are quirkless?

Midnight: Apparently.

Hound Dog: All Might, you know his family better than anyone else. How is his mother towards him?

All Might: I've met her a couple of times now and she is a caring mother.

Hound Dog: More importantly is she supportive?

All Might: Hmm she never gone against him but she did warn me and was a little bit reluctant to let him come to UA.

RG: Not the best sign.

Hound Dog: What interest me more is if she was helping helped him get over the shock of having no quirk.

All Might: I don't know.

Nezu: Maybe this will help?

The rat was sitting in front of a PC since he also needed to control all the drones in case something went wrong. Now that there was such a mystery. The chimera couldn't help it but hack into the personal medical files of Midoriya and find out at which hospital he was diagnosed as quirkless. After that he hacked into the storage file system of it and opened up the security footage of that day.

Everyone could see what happened to him and how his mother treated him at that very moment. All she said was I am sorry to him. No real comfort or even the slightest hint of support came from the woman.

Hound Dog: If that is her reaction back then, then there is no doubt that she wasn't satisfied with the results.

Midnight: Poor kid.

RG: That damn doctor could have told them the information a lot better than this!

Nezu: Midoriya is quite the clever kid. I am sure he could grasp his situation and also the state of emotion his mother was in.

Hound Dog: You mean he realized that he would be on his own?

Nezu: Yes, and I believe that his notebooks are a coping mechanism.

Hound Dog: With that I agree.

Power Loader: Wait a moment. His mother didn't hit him. She also didn't display any kind of hostility towards him. So why should he be so good at sneaking around.

Mic: Wait doesn't the little listener and the hot-headed listener know each other from before?

Midnight: They were in the same school.

Hound Dog: With that aggression he might be the reason for the skills we see now.

RG: I seriously want to whack that kid.

Nezu: He also knows that he is being followed.

Mic: What do you mean he knows?

Nezu: He did glance to the side to the shadowy alley where Aizawa is.

Mic: That's not good right?

Hound Dog: No. If he knows that he is being trailed than he might also interpret this quite in a dangerous way.

Nezu: I agree. I'm calling Aizawa back.

Vlad King: DON'T! What if he attacks my class!

Power Loader: I know this isn't the time for this but he has real daggers instead if the props I prepared.

Vlad Kings: SAY WHAT NOW?!

Snipe: How did this even happen?

Power Loader: They look alike and I made a mistake.

Midnight: Should we get him out of the game then?

Snipe: We should let Aizawa keep an eye on him.

Hound Dog: I don't like this. We should have stopped the game beforehand it even started!

Nezu: Oh no. There was no way you could have stopped me from doing that.

Hound Dog: Nezu!

RG: I will end this game personally the moment someone get seriously injured.

Nezu: This is a villain vs hero exercise. Of course, there will be casualties.

RG: Why does this sounds like you expect people to die?

Nezu: Not die but get seriously injured. This is normal for Aizawa's class after all.

Mic: Oh gosh... Why did Sho needed to have such a troublesome class.

RG: Nezu.. We will need to have a one on one talk after this.

Nezu: I'll gladly pass on that one.

RG: Come here!

The healer had finally enough and went after therat as the god or more like Satan of UA went into the next vent hatch and laidlow there.

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