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Y/N's life was rather plain. Or at least, for her taste. She owned a small café in York New City, and in her spare time she was an artist, although she wasn't very well known. As one could guess, neither of these jobs made her much money, and she could barely afford her bills. So, she began to lay off employees from the cafe, which saddened her, as she had grown close to them as they worked together. But alas, she had no choice. She began to operate the cafe by herself, piling herself with work. She was exhausted by the end of the day, and could barely make the walk back to her small apartment. She swung her door open and tossed her bag to the floor.

"Im homeee!" She shouted, not expecting a response, as she lived alone. Her apartment was small, as it consisted of nothing more than a small living room, a kitchen, and her cramped bedroom. Her mouth widened in a yawn as she stumbled over to her window, cracking it open a bit. "It's so stuffy in here." She mumbled, staring out the window for a moment, watching as the sky turned from blue to hues of pink as the sun fell behind the horizon. She took a step back, wincing a bit as her stomach growled, begging for sustenance. She rolled her eyes, heading to the fridge and expecting its contents, which wasn't much. It simply consisted of a few sauces and condiments, a Tupperware filled with old soup, which had a bit of a foul smell, and a carton of milk. "Of course." She hummed, slamming the door shut and walking back to the living area. She picked up her bag, checking to make sure she had enough money in her wallet before leaving to pick up some food.

Sure she could've just ordered by phone, but she enjoyed taking walks in the city. It helped to clear her mind. As she made her way to the nearest restaurant, her eyes scanned posters and billboards surrounding her. One caught her attention. It was a missing persons poster. And to her dismay, the face printed on the weathering paper was her sister.

Her sister had been missing for 4 months, and Y/N was knee deep in an investigation to find her. She had no leads so far. Her sister was not the kind to just disappear without telling someone. And since Y/N's sister was her only family left. She had no other care in the world.


After Y/N had ordered her food and got home, she was even more exhausted than before. She quickly scarfed down her food before crashing on the couch, not even bothering to change into separate clothes.

She had no idea how long she was asleep, but when she awoke, it was still dark outside. She groaned, rubbing the sore muscles in her neck. She glanced at her clock, the numbers reading 4:33. She groaned and rubbed her eyes, once she woke up, there was no falling back asleep. Maybe she should just open up the cafe early today. She proceeded to get ready, doing a light shade of makeup and tying her hait up out of her face. When she was done, she slipped into some black cargo pants and a plain white tee shirt. When she was done getting ready, she headed out, groggily dragging herself to the cafe.

The building was small and homey. It had large windows and a brown door with intricate gold coated designs on the handle. She unlocked everything and flipped on the lights, preparing the cafe before flipping on the lights outside to indicate it was open.

The day had went rather smoothly. There were quite a few more customers than usual, which pleased Y/N, meaning she would have more profit. Once the day was done, Y/N wanted nothing more than to crash on her bed. She decided to take the short walk home, despite knowing it would be a bit dangerous, considering it cut through alleys and the such. Y/N grabbed some mail she had left behind the day before, before making her way out. She scanned the envelopes as she walked.

"Bills, Bills, junk mail, magazines, bills, ugh why cant i ever get anything goo-" She was stopped in the middle of her sentence as she knocked into someone walking beside her in the cramped alleyway, falling into a puddle along with her mail.

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