"Do you think you'll get away with everything you're doing?! The police will barge in any minute now to find us, who've been missing!"

You watched silently as everyone seemed to agree with his statement, muttering their own accordances.

"He's right!" a different man endorsed. "If you don't let us go, they'll locate us by tracking our phones and come find us!"

Square pulled a gun out of his pocket, lifted it up towards the ceiling and pulled the trigger—sending a ton of people into a frenzy after they heard the gunshot echo off of the walls. You quickly covered your head with your hands, following in suit of everyone else as you crouched down to your knees. The other guards aimed their guns at the crowd.

Square slowly retracted his weapon. "Consent form, Clause 2; a player who refuses to play will be eliminated."

You slowly lifted your head up, kneeling on the ground and trying to maintain control of your breathing that threatened to pick up its pace.

"Consent form, Clause 3; games may be terminated if the majority agrees." You watched as Sang-woo took a few steps towards the guards with a challenging gaze. "Is that correct?"

Everyone looked hopefully at the guards, who paused for a second before replying. "That is correct."

Sang-woo looked around the room. "Then, let us take a vote," he proposed. "If the majority wishes to leave this place, then you must let us go."

Square paused, standing still with his straightened posture as his accomplices continued pointing their firearms towards the crowd. He stayed quiet for a moment and the mask refrained from allowing anyone to see his expression.

"As you wish," he finally said. "We will take a vote to decide on the termination of the game."

You exhaled, relief flooding your features as you slowly stood to your feet, glancing at Sang-woo with a thankful expression.

"Before we vote," Square added, "let me announce the prize money accumulated from the first game."

He pulled the remote from his pocket and aimed it at the piggy bank, pressing a button and the lights quickly dimmed. You looked up as music blared loudly around the room, gaping once cash began falling into the glass bank.

The money continuously fell for what felt like eternity. Stacks upon stacks of cash dropped into the piggy bank until it almost passed the halfway mark of the glass pig. You looked around and saw everyone else gaping as well, slowly rising to their feet and keeping their heads turned upwards to watch the money fall.

"A total of 255 players were eliminated during the first game," Square explained. "100-million won is at stake for each player. Therefore, 25.5-billion won of prize money has been accumulated so far into the piggy bank." Your widened eyes darted over to Square. "If you wish to give up now, the 25.5-billion won will be sent to the bereaved families of the eliminated players— 100-million won each. However, all of you will return home empty-handed."

The girl from earlier, the one who pleaded to leave so she can name her child, slowly raised her hand. "Excuse me. If we make it through all six games, how much do we get?

You expectantly continued to stare over at Square, waiting to hear his reply. "Since there were 456 players," he began, "the total prize money is 45.6-billion won. We will now start voting."


Centered near the middle of the room was a pedestal with two buttons on it, a green O and a red X. "As you can see, there are two buttons in front of you," Square explained. "If you wish to continue playing, press the green button with an O. If you wish to stop playing, press the red button with an X."

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