"How are we doing it? Knock on the door and tell them what is going on? Go in hot and cause a scene? Or sneak in and pull them out unknowingly?" Darius led the way down the hall, but he was turning his head to look at me over his shoulder.

Shrugging, I followed him through the garage door, walking to the back of the blacked-out SUV. "I haven't decided yet to be honest." I opened the back hatch, tossing the bag in and Darius followed suit, tossing his on top of mine. "What's your suggestion?"

"You know me." He walked over to the passenger side and hopped in, turning to me as I got in the vehicle. "I'm always up for a little rough and tumble."

I rolled my eyes at the man who had become like a brother to me as I pulled out of the garage and headed down the dark streets. The man was a sex maniac. He didn't care about gender, looks, status or anything else. He only cared that he got his rocks off. If it had a heartbeat and human DNA, he was in. "We need to be delicate about this. We need them to trust us. That isn't going to be an easy task."

"I think you already have Lexie's trust. I see the way she looks at you." Darius winked at me, opening the glove box and setting his gun inside of it. "Okay. Delicate. No guns?"

"No guns." I repeated, taking the next left and maneuvering the vehicle down the street.

We drove the rest of the way in silence, my mind racing as I tried to come up with a plan. I didn't like that this was so spur of the moment with no time to actually formulate something that I was comfortable with.

"If you park in the alley, there is a back gate that is never locked." Darius pointed down the road at the turn in to the alley.

I glanced over at him quickly as I followed where he had pointed. "And how do you know that?"

"This isn't the first time that the Moretti's have had to keep an eye on people in this house. We've staked it out in the past, checking all entrances and possible exits." As he spoke, I remembered the situation with Kai and Lilly. I had been kept out of that one due to my own personal feelings at the time.

I grunted in response, slowing the vehicle to a stop behind the back fence. The area was nearly completely dark. I got out, surveying the back alley and the nearby houses. "Keep in mind that the guys are in the house to the left. We have to make sure there are no screams or shouting. Some force may be required. Just don't go overboard."

Darius grinned, his eyes alight with mischief. "Me? Overboard? Never."

"Fuck me. This is going to go south really fucking quick, isn't it?" I crept up to the gate, reaching one hand over and lifting the latch. It swung open easily. After all this was through, I would definitely be giving my Sfinge a lesson on safety. "You get Joshua, I will get Lexie. The lights are off. With any luck, they are both in their beds."

I wasn't worried about finding their rooms. There had been a floor plan of the house in the folder. Thanks to my photographic memory and a single glance, I knew exactly where I was going. There was no doubt that she would be in the master bedroom.

We crept through the yard, alongside the pool, not a single sound being made. This wasn't the first covert mission that Darius and I had been on together. We knew how to walk light and keep quiet.

Rolling my eyes, I glanced over at Darius as the patio door slid open with little exertion. She hadn't even locked the back door. This woman was just asking for trouble.


"Wake up little Sfinge."

I moaned, rolling onto my side, my arm wrapping around the body next to mine, a low animalistic growl reverberating around me.

His Shy Sphinx (18+) ☑Where stories live. Discover now