Prometheus the Middleman

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Sorry, this is kind of a long one.. Enjoy!

Skyler's POV

We stepped out onto the street outside the hotel. Across the street, crouched down, looking through the window of a closed pizza shop was a thirty-foot-tall giant with bright blue skin and icy gray hair. Leaned against the brick wall of the building was a massive white flag.

"A Hyperborean?" I asked, raising a brow.

"Yes... He is our...He's a special case." Prometheus mumbled.

"And he's your flag bearer?" I asked.

"Yes. Morrain!" Prometheus called for the giant.

The Hyperborean turned and stood to his full size, bumping his head on a fire escape. He winced and raised a large hand to his head.

"Uh-oh..." The giant mumbled.

Percy's POV

I was still tossing and turning from my dreams when Thalia shook me awake.

The Plaza Hotel's beds were comfortable but my dreams had me writhing in the sheets.

"Percy," she said. "Come on. It's late afternoon. We've got visitors."

I sat up, disoriented. I hated sleeping in the middle of the day, It made me forget where I was.

"Visitors?" I said.

Thalia nodded grimly. "A Titan wants to see you, under a flag of truce. He has a message from Kronos..."

"What's wrong?" I asked her. Her dark brows furrowed as she spun the silver bracelet on her wrist.

"My hunters...She's with them." Thalia said softly, her blue eyes, looking towards the window.


We could see the white flag from half a mile away. It was as big as a soccer field, carried by a thirty-foot-tall giant with bright blue skin and icy gray hair. As the giant got closer, I could see four human-size envoys with him: a half-blood in bronze armor, an empousa demon with a black dress and flaming hair, a tall man in a tuxedo... and Skyler...

The group walked leisurely toward the Heckscher Playground. The swings and ball courts were empty. The only sound was the fountain on Umpire Rock.

I looked at Grover. "The tux dude is the Titan?"

He nodded nervously. "He looks like a magician. I hate magicians. They usually have rabbits."

I stared at him. "You're scared of bunnies?"

"Blah-hah-hah! They're big bullies. Always stealing celery from defenseless satyrs!"

Thalia coughed.

"What?" Grover demanded.

"We'll have to work on your bunny phobia later," She said. "Here they come."

She was right, as they got closer I could see Skyler in a conversation with the Titan she accompanied. She still wore all-black combat gear and her shined bronze cuirass. Her brows furrowed at something the Titan said and she turned her attention to us as they approached.

The man in the tux stepped forward, his empousa girlfriend moved closely beside him.

"Percy Jackson," he said in a silky voice. "It's a great honor."

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