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𝙾𝙲𝚃𝙾𝙱𝙴𝚁 𝟹𝟷𝚂𝚃, 𝟷𝟿𝟿𝟶.

Sarisha was seated in her little rocking chair, located near the living room fireplace as she awaited Michael's return whilst reading a book she loved dearly. Everything outside was quiet and dark, but the interior of the house was warm and cozy - allowing the young woman to feel tranquil.

Though she missed Michael, she knew that he would be returning home within the next couple of hours.

She could slowly feel her eyes growing heavy, but before she could begin dozing off, there was a knock at the front door.

She straightened up, jolting back to her full consciousness at the sudden sound. Closing the book and placing it on the nearby table, she struggled to her feet.

"Hold on," she spoke as the knocks resounded again. "I'm coming," she sighed.

After quite the taxing walk, she pulled open the front door - a sense of relief and pleasant surprise washing over her when she saw Helen.

"Helen," she smiled, her eyes growing bright again.

"Hi," Helen smiled widely. "I actually got everything sorted in time, so I figured I'd come down and see if you were still awake,"

Sarisha noticed that Helen seemed to have several coats on, but she said nothing, simply delighted that she was going to have a bit of company.

"I was just about to doze off," Sarisha laughed as she stepped aside to let Helen in. "But you caught me right on time,"

"Great," she walked in, and Sarisha shut the door.

Helen turned around to look at Sarisha again, noticing her cradling her baby bump again.

"You look exhausted...." Helen trailed off. "Perhaps I should come back another time?"

"No, no, don't be silly," Sarisha let out a bit of a breathless laugh. "I'm just a little...challenged carrying this little one," she diverted her loving gaze to her stomach. "She has quite the energy,"

"Oh...it's a girl?" Helen tilted her head.

"Yep," Sarisha nodded.

At that point, Helen noticed the bracelet on Sarisha's wrist, making her raise an eyebrow. "Oh that's....a lovely bracelet you have on," she remarked as Sarisha moved to walk past her.

"Ah thank you, it's from Michael," she beckoned for Helen to follow her. "Come, I'll make you some tea, and then we can talk,"

As they strode into the kitchen, Helen's line of sight collided with the butcher knife that Sarisha had forgotten to pick up earlier.

"Oh, let me pick that up for you," Helen reached down to grab it before Sarisha had the chance to try and bend down. "In your condition, you shouldn't need to pick up anything from the floor," she managed an unoriginal laugh.

Sarisha merely thanked her with a dismissive smile before turning her back so that she could focus on making tea. It was clear that she had not taken notice of how Helen was still holding onto the knife, her gaze burning into the back of the best friend she now hated.

It all finally surfaced in Helen's mind - all the pent up anger she felt toward Sarisha, all the rage she bore for her friend. She was never happy about Michael and Sarisha getting together, and she was never happy about their love growing into something strong. From the moment Helen had discovered that Michael had fallen for Sarisha, she despised the girl that was supposed to be the best friend she could control.

She had been livid when she had learnt of Sarisha's decision to be with Michael, just as she had been infuriated when Sarisha had moved out to be on her own. Helen had been unbelievably angry at the fact that she had lost control over Sarisha, and she had allowed that anger to fester until it would unfurl in the most explosive way.

In Helen's eyes, Sarisha was never supposed to have been with Michael, Sarisha was never supposed to have betrayed her friendship by moving out and pursuing a deeper bond with Michael, and Sarisha was never supposed to have been happy.

Helen's fury had only grown more violent when she'd learnt of Sarisha and Michael's engagement, and the only reason she had pretended to be the ideal best friend was because she wanted to hurt Sarisha the way she believed she'd been hurt.

She wanted Sarisha to feel the betrayal that she felt.

She wanted revenge, and when she had found out about Sarisha's pregnancy, it had sent her over the edge to get the compensation she sought.

"You know, I'm rather glad that you showed up tonight," Sarisha remarked innocently, completely unaware of the woman that was creeping up behind her, ready to strike. "I wanted to-" she stopped mid-sentence with a sickening gasp as she felt a searing pain in her back.

Helen had plunged the blade into her, pulling it back out with malice. Sarisha whimpered instinctively as it happened, grabbing onto the kitchen counter as she felt herself being stabbed again.

She turned to look at Helen with a gaze that was much too devastating to describe. It was the ultimate betrayal, in the most savage way possible.

Tears flooded Sarisha's eyes as she placed her hands on her baby bump, her only concern being the life of her unborn child.

"That'll teach you," Helen stated coldly before she brutally attacked Sarisha again.

Wound after wound, Sarisha begged for the life of her baby, hopelessly knowing that it would be to no avail. The pain grew more intense with each barbaric motion on Helen's part, and as the violence grew more diabolical, crimson red began to cover the entire floor, also splattering onto the counter cupboards nearby.

It wasn't long before Helen had covered every inch of Sarisha's frail body with a vicious stab wound, and by that point - the poor young woman was only barely alive.

Sarisha couldn't scream, she couldn't move, and she knew that her baby was no longer alive inside of her - Helen had made sure of that. It was the kind of pain that no mother could possibly fathom - knowing that their child's life had been snatched away right in front of them.

To know that her baby had died first was devastating, and the pain was everything Helen had hoped it would be. She planned it perfectly - she had ensured that Sarisha would feel the loss of her baby before she died herself.

Helen stood there, watching Sarisha's final moments with glee.

In Sarisha's mind, she saw all of her most beautiful memories flash before her eyes in a dream-like sequence. Tears had already collected in her hazel eyes as she visualized the images of her parents, the images of her in-laws, and the image of Michael. She was suffocating on her own blood, but the pain soon began to become less and less dominant. It got to a point where she merely felt as if she were choking, the pain an eternity away - that's how she knew it was coming to an end.

It was much too late to regret trusting the person she should have been wary of, even though some part of her conscious mind wondered how she could have been so blind.

The whisper of a smile graced her lips as she remembered that she had told Michael she had loved him before he had left, and after that - she was free.

"Michael..." she barely managed to mumble before it was all over.

She stopped choking, and her body ceased to move altogether.

Helen smirked as she watched those Hazel eyes become void of its signature sparkle.

Sarisha was gone.

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