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𝙾𝙲𝚃𝙾𝙱𝙴𝚁 𝟹𝟶𝚃𝙷, 𝟷𝟿𝟿𝟶.

Sarisha rushed over to the telephone in the living room as fast as she could, trying not to take a nasty fall as her feet moved. Michael was upstairs in the bedroom, and since the day's celebrations were over - everyone had returned home for the evening.

Michael was soon due to leave for the studio, having set aside only a few hours of that evening for recording, after which he had promised to return straight home to his beloved wife.

Helen hadn't showed up yet, but as Sarisha ran to answer the telephone the young mother-to-be suspected that it was indeed her best friend, calling about her potential visit.

Finally grabbing the telephone receiver, Sarisha let out a sigh of relief when she noted that she had answered the call in time. For a moment, she had thought she'd miss the call altogether. "Hello?" she spoke into the phone.

"Hey, Sarisha, it's Helen," the familiar voice greeted from the other end. "Uh, happy birthday. I'm so sorry I didn't get to call earlier, but I've been busy,"

"Helen," Sarisha greeted with a smile. "No, no, please don't worry about that, honestly,"

"I'm glad you understand," Helen replied. "Look, I know I planned to come over tonight, but I'm afraid I won't be able to make it - I'm so sorry,"

Sarisha let out a deep sigh, only a little disappointed at the fact that she would be alone for the night - but not so much that she would ask Helen to try and make it anyway.

"But I'm sure you wouldn't want me around anyway, especially with Michael being there for you all the time," she laughed.

"Of course I'd want you around, we're best friends, remember?" Sarisha let out a small laugh. "But ironically enough, Michael actually won't be here for a fair bit of the evening - he's going to the studio for a few hours...so it'll just be me,"

"Oh.....well I'm really sorry that I can't make it, but perhaps we can arrange a meeting some other time,"

"Yeah, that sounds great," Sarisha chuckled again. "Just give me a call whenever you're free, okay?"

"Don't worry, I will,"

Right as Michael jogged down the staircase, simultaneously finishing securing the last button of his shirt, he saw Sarisha place the telephone receiver down with a bit of a dishearted expression. Quickly becoming attentive to his wife's energy, he sped up his pace so that he could approach her.

"Hey baby, what's wrong?" he questioned, making her turn around to look at him. "Who was that?" he got closer to her, placing his hands on her upper arms.

"Oh nothing," she dismissed. "That was Helen. She was supposed to come over this evening, but something came up so....she can't make it,"

"Hm....it sounds like you were eager to get back in touch with her," he gazed at her thoughtfully.

"Yeah I....saw her at the mall yesterday, whilst I was out with Janet....and we....sort of reconnected," she nodded. "I was looking forward to seeing her again....but she said we'd arrange a meeting soon enough, so I suppose we can talk then,"

"Oh God, I'm sorry about that," he rubbed her arms tenderly. "If you're uncomfortable being on your own, I can call Janet and ask her to come over - you know she'd be here in a heartbeat," he giggled.

Sarisha relaxed, shaking her head with a reaffirming smile. "I'm perfectly fine being on my own, don't worry," she casually proceeded to neaten the collar of his shirt. "I'll just be missing you, that's all,"

"Baby I promise I'll be back before you know it," he kissed her forehead, making sure she knew how much he loved her. "I don't want to be away from you, but I'll be so quick you won't even realize I'd been gone,"

"I'm holding you to that," Sarisha glared at him playfully.

Their lighthearted moment, however, was quickly interrupted by the sound of something falling in the kitchen. Sarisha let out an instinctive gasp as her head snapped in the direction of the sound.

Luckily enough, they could see the kitchen from where they were standing, and the sound had only been a result of one of the knives in the utensil rack having fallen on the floor. It was simply a case of the utensil not being stored in its slot properly, and nothing more.

"It's just the butcher knife," Sarisha snorted at the context of her sentence. "Oh Lord, that sounds weird," she advanced into a giggle. "But yes, it's nothing to be worried about," she redirected her attention to him. "I'll take care of everything here. You just go to the studio, and focus on what you need to get done. Don't worry about me,"

"Oh please, you know that you'll be on my mind every second," he chuckled, permitting her to push him toward the front door.

Even though he was deeply concerned about her being alone, he had figured he could trust everything for a few hours.

It would only be a few hours, right? What's the worst that could have happened?

Once they had gotten to the front door and opened it, Michael walked out on his own as Sarisha stood near the door frame - a proud smile on her face as she gazed at him.

In that moment, she took in the sight of everything he was, each physical characteristic of his appearing more ethereal in the moonlight. As he walked toward his car, she found herself thinking about how much she loved him, and before he could get into the car - something compelled her to call for him one last time.

"Michael," she spoke, making him turn back to look at her with those loving eyes she would always treasure. "I love you," she bit her lip.

"I love you more," he replied swiftly, opening the car door.

"I love you most," she whispered, just so that he wouldn't hear her and come up with something else.

She wanted to have the last word, because some part of her felt that it was...final in some strange way.

It was as everything would soon be...finished.

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