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𝙵𝙴𝙱𝚁𝚄𝙰𝚁𝚈 𝟷𝟼𝚃𝙷, 𝟷𝟿𝟾𝟼.

"I can't believe we're going to meet the Michael Jackson!" Helen giggled as she and Sarisha got out of the car that belonged to the prior. "Can you believe it?"

Sarisha giggled as well, pushing her door shut before rushing to tuck some of her hair behind her ear at the sudden breath of wind that had blown their way. "That's if we get to meet him," she turned her head to look at the huge parking lot in the distance, the area already crowded with eager fans who were waiting to see Michael walk out of the exit.

Since he'd had a performance in the respective arena, there was no doubt about the fact that he was bound to leave using the exit that opened out to the parking lot that would usually have been isolated if not for the presence of an artist that had long taken the world by storm. Everyone wanted to meet him, and of course, Sarisha and Helen were amongst those that hoped to get a glimpse of him.

The two young women had attended a few previous concerts, but had not gotten the chance to see him after the shows. Helen, in particular, had been rather upset about it, so Sarisha had suggested that the both of them try again - just in case the universe decided to finally move in her favour.

"Oh we have to," Helen shook her head as she closed her own car door. "Because if we miss out again, I'm going to literally be heartbroken," she sighed, glancing at the crowd again. "But the crowds have already built up,"

"And we are going to be a part of that crowd!" Sarisha cheered, attempting to lift Helen's spirits. "Come on, he'll be walking out of that exit any second now!" she jogged over to her best friend, interlocking her arm with the other's - preparing to move forward.

But the sudden resonance of an oddly familiar voice made the two girls stop.


Sarisha was the first to spin around, and when she did, her jaw fell open.

It was Michael - standing there, right in front of them. From the way he attempted to steady his breaths, it was obvious that he had made an effort to catch up to them - confounding Sarisha all the more.

"Oh my God..." Helen whispered when she turned around and saw whom it was.

But Michael's eyes were focused on Sarisha, as if he were trying to put a puzzle piece together in his mind - or at least that's what it looked like.

"I've....seen you before...." he trailed off, staring directly at Sarisha, making her raise an eyebrow. "Yes," he stated, more toward himself. "I'm sorry but......were you at my concert at the Civic Auditorium last month?" he questioned, knowing fully well - but not caring - that his approach might have sounded a little too forward.

Sarisha's eyes lit up as she nodded, finding herself unexpectedly enchanted by Michael's soft gaze.

"Then it is you," he let out a sigh, a smile forming on his lips. "I saw you in the crowd last month....and....I wanted to try and catch you after the show but....I couldn't see you," he laughed a little, making Sarisha do the same.

"Actually....we were...." she trailed off, looking back at Helen, who was still dumbstruck by the fact that Michael was right there. "Waiting for you after the show," she returned her attention to Michael. "My best friend here, Helen, really wanted to meet you....but I suppose the timing just...wasn't right," she gave Helen a little nudge, urging her to move forward.

Sarisha knew that Helen had been the avid fan out of the two of them, and though she had experienced a peculiar, instant connection with Michael - she had wanted her best friend to have the moment. At the end of the day, Sarisha believed that the momentary connection between them would most likely be only fleeting anyway, so she tried to be as nonchalant as possible - even though she was screaming on the inside.

"Oh, right," Helen shook her head as she felt herself being pushed forward. "It's my utter delight to finally be able to meet you," she extended her hand with a confident smile.

Michael tore his eyes off of Sarisha for a few seconds so that he could acknowledge Helen, taking her hand and shaking it politely. "I'm sure the...pleasure is all mine," he glanced back up at the other girl before forcing his attention back to the individual he was supposed to be conversing with. "I'm sorry that we never got to meet the last time,"

But his words sounded as if they were directed toward someone else.

"I honestly believed we were going to see you coming through that exit," Helen gestured to the area in which the large crowds were gathered, earning a guilty grimace from Michael.

"Yes well....I intended to do that...but I....managed to....see..." once again his eyes drifted to Sarisha for a split second before returning to Helen. "A face I recognized, and I couldn't let it slip by again," he nodded. "But I don't plan to leave the wonderful fans disappointed," he stepped back, implying that it was time for him to leave again.

"Oh of course!" Helen nodded when she got the hint, taking a step back as well.

"Before I leave, however, is there anything I could perhaps...sign?" he tilted his head slightly.

It was quite the irony for Michael to be asking to give an autograph, but he certainly had his reasons.

"Oh my goodness, definitely!" Helen hastily rummaged through her handbag as Sarisha stood there, doing her best not to look Michael in the eye for too long.

He, however, wasn't as willing to let the moment slip away, an encouraging smile tugging at his lips as he addressed Sarisha. "Perhaps I could sign something for you as well?" his sparkling eyes left her under an unbreakable spell.

Though nervous, she nodded and began to sort through the contents of her purse slowly, as if biding time whilst Helen pulled out a little photograph to be signed.

Eventually, Sarisha pulled out a small notebook and a pen that she'd always kept in her purse, decorated with butterflies. Michael's smile widened as he walked up to her, finding her to be rather charming.

After he had courteously handed back the signed photograph to Helen, he carefully took Sarisha's notebook from her hands, as well as the pen, keeping his eyes on her the whole time. He was incredibly enamoured by her persona, having remembered every single detail of her face from the last time he'd seen her.

She could feel her heart pounding in her chest as he lowered his gaze to the little notebook, scribbling something down before closing it and handing it back to her - along with the pen.

"It was lovely seeing you," he whispered, turning around to leave.

Sarisha couldn't stop the subtle red tint that took over her cheeks, and the fact that Helen was staring at her didn't make anything better. The attention was a little overwhelming for her, but nothing was quite as overwhelming as what she had seen when she checked her notebook shortly after Michael had distanced himself from them.

He had given her an autograph, yes, but he had also scribbled down something that she knew he wouldn't have done for just anyone.

He had also given her his number.

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