Chapter Three: Their First Training Session

Start from the beginning

She thought about it for a minute and said to herself: Just what the doctor ordered! As if it wasn't difficult enough to keep these feelings in check already, Mina just had to come along and make it worse by daring me to kiss him on the cheek today! What's her deal?! "Uh, sure! I suppose just one more person for today wouldn't hurt!" Ochako said. "Terrific! Let the training begin then!" Iida responds.

It's fitting that Iida, Izuku, and Ochaco met together for these exercises. First, they walked to the PE field to test out their basic quirk strength such as the fifty meter dash, the grip strength, the long jump, and ball throwing as a warm-up because he was curious to see how far they had come in the mean time. After the warm-up, Izuku wanted to undergo the same anti-personnel battle training on their second day of class when All Might supervised. Originally, Izuku thought they would just do this exercise two times with him and Ochako reversing roles to capture/defend the weapon. But now with Iida in the mix, it could be a near complete rematch if Bakugo was also present.

As expected, each of them were able to make an improvement in each of the basic strength tests. Iida got his dash completed in 2.7 seconds this time, while both Ochako improved to 6.5 seconds and Deku made it to 4.1 seconds now that he has a more firm control of One For All. For grip strength Ochako made it to 38 Kilograms, Iida made it to 60 Kilograms, and Izuku made it all the way to 75 kilograms! A near twenty point improvement! 

The long jump and ball throw were impossible to improve upon because she could make herself float as long as she wants any distance she desires and clocked in at infinity, but Iida made it twenty feet with his engine legs and Izuku made it to about the same with One For All. But the ball throw was what was most notable. Iida was more average (for hero society) in this area of just ninety meters but Midoriya added on a whole two hundred meters from his last test! Both Iida and Ochako were particularly surprised by this. 

"Wow Deku-kun! I remember how difficult these exercises were for you when we first started! You sure have come a long way!" Ochaco said. "Heh heh, thanks!" Izuku says as he scratches his head. "Agreed. It's not surprising though given all the real life dangers that our class has gone through since that time. Shall we commence the anti-personnel battle?" Asked Tenya. "Sounds good to me!" Uraraka said in her bubbly way.

Surprisingly, Iida volunteered to be the one defending the weapon. He still didn't like the idea of being a villain so this time he talked himself into believing it was a defense weapon he was protecting from dastardly evil doers that wanted to harness it for their own twisted schemes. Whatever. Either way, it made little difference to him to be working alone this time since Bakugo went off on his own the last time they faced off. Things would be different though with each having more battle experience.

To raise the scales, using capture tape wouldn't cut it for this training. It was full on knock your opponent out or use real restraining items if you're skilled enough in order to win. Since Iida couldn't just leave the weapon unguarded, he was allotted fifteen minutes to set traps and given access to cameras to see where they were, while the two of them were given five minutes to get to the weapon. Considering that heroes are supposed to do what they can to not damage property, Izuku made the resolve this time to not use the same strategy again to bust the floors so that Ochako could get an opening and find another way to defeat him.

By the time Izuku and Ochako made it to the fourth floor and had split up from there with just two minutes left, Iida made his move. "There you are! Let's see you dodge this!" Iida pushed a button on the console next to the weapon and out came hundreds of spikes from the ceiling onto the floor in both areas where the two of them were. Ochako knew Iida knew he wouldn't be able to stop her with just that so she levitated over the spikes cautiously to see what would happen next. However, right after this a large net made of thick ropes and barbed wires mixed in grazed her and almost pinned her to the ground. She made it to the stairway after she finished floating over but was holding on to her arm as it bled from cuts and scrapes.

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