chapter 4

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Arjun's pov:

Definitely, today is not my day. First the taxi broke midway then I fought with a stupid girl on street.

What the hell is happening!! I should have gone with my car only then all this blunders would have not occured. Never mind maybe that's what was written for me.

But Never in my life I met such a girl.. Literally she scolded me in the middle of the road. No one ever dared to raise his/ her voice on me. Only if she knew who I was, she wouldn't have the guts to speak all this again.

Arjun, now stop thinking about the girl and think about the inspection ,  my inner voice said.

I went to a cloth showroom and bought a simple white shirt paired with black jeans , took a taxi and left for hospital.

Ananya's pov:

I reached the hospital and directly marched into my cabin, totally pissed off.

Only today's incident was flashing over my mind. What a horrible start of day!! How can a guy be so rude and mannerless? I gave him the perfect tag '  Obhoddro'.

I was so lost in my thought that I totally ignored Karthik who smiled and greeted me a good morning.

" Hey Ananya.. What happened? You look stressed" He asked with concern .

" No nothing. I'm fine" I said.

" No you are not. Just say what happened " He asked again.

" Actually you are correct. Right now my mood is totally off " I sighed.

" Why so? " He questions.

I narrated each and everything that happened today and after I completed Karthik started laughing.

" What's so funny in it Karthik? " I asked irritatedly.

" Seriously you scolded that guy on the street. From your description I could easily make out that the guy must be regretting why I even thought of quarrelling with this young lady. Next time even if it's not his mistake he will ask sorry... Haahaa... Hee" He laughed.

This time I joined him too. Well what Karthik told is correct . Next time he will think twice before shouting at any girl. I'm sure next time whenever he tries to fight he will definitely remember me... Hehehe.

" BTW what name did you gave him? Obhoddro ? What does that means "he asked.

" Mannerless " I told remembering his rude words and shouts. Stupid Jerk!

" Leave it Karthik I don't want to spoil  my mood thinking of that stupid. Let's concentrate on our work. Today it's about our hospital's reputation. We need to show them that we are THE BEST". I said in one go.

Karthik nodded and went back to his cabin.

A few minutes later ,  one of our head nurse came to my cabin.

" Doctor, director sir has given the task of checking whether all the floors are well organised as today our trustee is going to come. I am assign to look the 5 th floor. Though I checked it once but please kindly recheck. You know if something wrong happens, my job will be in danger. " She said.

" It's alright I'm going right now and checking if everything is fine . Don't worry dear" I said with a smile.

She seems relieved.

I headed towards the lift and enter the lift to meet the person I never wanted to meet again.

That rude guy . Like seriously is he following me?

" YOU" We both shouted in unison. 

"Are you following me? " I asked suspiciously.

"Oh hello miss!! Do you think yourself very pretty that every guy is just waiting to follow you. " He replied in anger.

" Oh Mr. I'm trying to say are you following me to get money. Because you look a big Kanjoos from your face" I replied back with the same intensity.

He released a long breath, trying to control his anger.  So what ! I said the truth, he looks like that.

" See madam this is a public hospital and anybody can come here... Understand? So please I beg you stop accusing me " He said joining his hand.

"If you are sick you should right your name in the reception. Why are you going to top floor? That's only for hospital staff " I asked raising my eyebrow.

" I... Woh..... Haan.. I got appointed as the helping staff recently.  I have to meet the managing director before starting " He said .

" Helping staff... Aha.. And you were shouting at me in the middle of the road as if you are the CEO of a company. Listen if you  want to stay in this hospital learn to behave properly. I'm a doctor here and if you behave properly I will definitely recommend your name for promotion . Also from next time call me " Madam " Got it? " I said.

He was looking at my face and then nodded " Okay madam". He then smiled. But why?

" Listen today our trustees are going to come so do your work properly. If anything wrong happens will surely lose your job on your first day.I'm saying this for your benefit." I said with concern.

" Okay madam got it! " He said obediently. Good!

My floor came, I hurriedly moved out not before turning back and saying
" Hey  all the best for your first day! " I said with a smile.

"Thanks madam and same to you" He smirked.

Wait, why he is saying me all the best? Before I could ask, the lift door closed. Oh god this guy is unpredictable!!

I  went on  checking... Hush.. Everything is fine.. I can relax .


All the doctors were called in the seminar room as the trustee would like to meet each medical faculty.

I went along with Karthik but really I'm missing Jenny .

" Nervous? " Karthik asked.

" Little bit" I said.

" Me too" He said and we entered into the room and took our seats.

After  nearly 5 mins, our managing director came and he requested someone to enter.

My eyes popped out seeing the view in front of my eyes.

" Meet him Mr. Arjun Mehra, CEO of the Mehra industries and our trustee"


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