Life's a Bitch -Chapter -6

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Previously on Dark Shadows
The ceremony continues, the dinner was finished, I was feeling tried chattering with all the people, who came congratulate me and Christian, everything was going well until Crystal in the corner of the room crying

I was walking towards Crystal to ask her until Christian grabs my hand firmly, I need to talk to you privately, he says with a bitter tone. I wanted to run to Crystal, but it's like Christian has some power over me, he owns me, his pretentious arrogant voice gives me a shiver down my spine.

We went to the garden, it was already night, I could not see the stars, it was a cloudy night, it was going rain today, I could smell, an "earthy" smell known as petrichor does permeate the air. I call it musky, fresh but today it was generally pleasant, witches have a pure connection with nature, it looked so pure and peaceful yet I have this void on my stomach, something bad is happening. I couldn't stop thinking that Crystal is crying inside and I am here, talking with my husband about god knows what? All the thoughts just skipped my mind once I heard his voice, that manly arrogant voice, it was like I was craving for it "Katherine, I have known you since I was a kid and I know that you don't know me, But what your father did to my mother by betraying her, I have hatred for your father more than the people I love, being his daughter, I know you are exactly like him, I don't hate you nor I like you. I don't like you with a pure passion nearly rivalling the love I've felt for those I've loved in my life. You can never be my wife.
He started to go back into the hall, this part of me couldn't stop thinking about it after what he said, "is it because of Eva? I shouted with anger. He came back by grabbing my hand so hard that I wouldn't even move it. What do you know about her? He shouted with wrath, that's when I knew I hit his nerve, A man came out who  just looked like Christian and I felt he was Jake
I know that you loved her, she was your true love, that's all I know about, I replied with Hesitation. Christian sighed a relief like there was something hidden in his past, and wanted no one to know about her, Katherine can you please go, it looks like it is going to shower, we don't want the bride to be drenched, Jake interposed.

I wanted to ask him about her but I went inside because I knew it wasn't my place to question his past, then I remembered Crystal crying. I couldn't see Crystal there, I tried looking for her but I couldn't find her anywhere, I couldn't find my mom anywhere either, my anxiety and tension was increasing, I didn't even see people of my coven, I was all alone, surrounded by the people I didn't know, I ran into my dressing room to find my phone and call them, I couldn't find my phone the room was messy, there was raging anger and fear inside and I wanted to shout, my head was paining like it never did, I got down onto my knees, suddenly the light started to flicker and I could hear the wind getting strong, I knew I was the person doing this but I didn't know how to stop, the godamn lights went off, the winds opened and it started to rain, it was pouring heavy then I saw her my aunt(Crystal's mother).

The lights came back, my phone started to ring, I found my phone but I couldn't aunt Mari, I answered the call it was my mom, she asked me to come to the hospital, something bad has happened to Mari, I kept asking her to tell me what happened, the call ended my phone was dead, but I saw her just now, was I hallucinating here, I went to the parking lot to find my freaking car, but mom or Crystal took it, I didn't know what to do, I went back inside to find Christian, I knew if I took taxi I didn't have any money on me, I saw Jake and Christian outside in the rain, I could hear them verbally abusing each other, I went running to them because I knew I should be there, they saw me and became quite

I need your help, I need to go to the hospital, can anyone take me there, please? I asked them in a scrambled voice, both Christian and Jake came with me to the hospital. I explained what happened to my aunt in the car, Jake was Driving the car and Christian tried to contact my mom. I rushed inside with a wet wedding gown and soaked hair, I tried to ask the receptionist, while she was busy on phone, I saw my mom, Crystal and a few of other coven elders near the elevator and scampered towards my mom, she was crying well everyone were crying, my mom told me that aunt Mari was in a car accident, on the way to my fucking wedding.
Everyone was trying to console Crystal but Crystal was looking at me with sad, sorrow-filled eyes, I went to her and hugged her, I couldn't stop myself from crying, thinking about made me cry, even more, Crystal was one of the strongest people I have ever met, imagining that she doesn't know who her father is, and she has lost her only parent.
Jake and Christian were behind me, but I couldn't care less, supporting my mom and Crystal was more important to me than anything else, The elders of the coven left slowly one after the other, they were planing a memorial for my aunt before midnight, to satisfy her soul and to her help her find peace. I needed to go with them as I became the leader of the coven, once I was married.
I talked to Christian and Jake told them to go home and take a rest, Jake insisted to stay with me. Christian didn't want to stay well I can't argue with him nobody likes to stay in the hospital. My mom demanded everyone to go home as well, but I wasn't ready to leave them, since I needed to go coven as well, I asked Jake to go home, he was still insisting to stay with me, I asked him to give me some space and to leave me alone, I didn't want to be rude well they still didn't know I was a witch. I didn't want them to know either. I needed to go to Coven as fast as possible, it was already 11 pm.

When Jake and Christian Left, I took my car keys and left to my Mom's house to get something of Aunt Mari and leave to the Coven as fast as possible. The roads in New Orleans were empty, it was raining and it was 11:30 already, I reached home and to find something that Aunt Mari truly cares about, the elders and the other witches were calling me non stop, I took something that belongs to Aunt Mari from her box in the basement, her old earrings, I didn't even time to change my dress and went to the coven,
I could see nana there, the forest was dense at night, I could hear the howls of the wolves, it stopped raining and it was foggy
I coven inside the coven, it feels the same how I felt the first time, but I felt powerful. Everything was in place to start, I kept the earrings In the middle of the star and poured salt around the star to lock the spell and the coven and I started chanting " fasmatos tribum eam incolumem servare , si quis eam noceat , societas bona magnum animum habet, serva eam omnes quos amamus sed iam non videmus. Requiem aeternam dona eis. Lux perpetua luceat eis. Anima eius et animae omnium defunctorum per misericordiam Dei requiescant in pace "
This is done to relieve her soul from problems and praying for her to go to heaven or hell because of her sins, it was 11:58 , witches and other elders were anger at me but on one had the courage to talk to me because neither a witch nor a elder can shout at the leader or pointing out there mistake. I tried to take to nana but she refused, I went back to the car and started praying for Aunt Mari she has a great soul , keep her all those whom we love but see no longer. Grant to her eternal rest. Let light perpetual shine upon them. May her soul and the souls of all the departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.
I was about to start the call , but then I got call from her Aurora.

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