Chapter Twenty-nine

Start from the beginning


After having dinner, the gang bid goodbye to the two and headed to the hotel where they will be staying for the night. After the van had left, Gulf tidied up the table, as the kids and the monks are already in bed.

Mew helped Gulf clean up. While doing so, he's sneaking glances at him. Gulf was washing the dishes when he noticed Mew staring at him. He turned to him.

"Is there something wrong?" Gulf asked.

Mew smiled and went closer to Gulf. He placed his hands on his waist and kissed his head.

"Nope. Nothing. I'm just happy." Mew said as he leaned his head on Gulf's.

Gulf smiled upon hearing what Mew said, and continued washing the dishes.

"Stop it. The monks might see us. It's not allowed here." Gulf said with a smile on his face.

Mew released him from his hug and placed the washed dishes in their proper place instead.

Gulf eyed Mew while he was busy doing it, and smiled.

"I never thought I'd be this happy." Gulf thought to himself as he focused his attention on his work.


Gulf was already tidying the bed and was getting ready to sleep when the door to his room opened. He looked at the door to see who was it and saw Nong Suda.

"Ao. Nong Suda... what are you doing here? You're supposed to sleep now. It's already late."

The kid just stared at him, then started crying. He went to her and wiped her tears.

"Why? What's wrong? Are you hurt?" Gulf worriedly asked the kid.

"It hurts here, P'.." The kid cried and pointed to her heart.

"Why? Did something happen? Come on. I'll bring you to the clinic." Gulf was about to carry Suda when she shook her head.

"I'm hurt because I dreamed that you were leaving..." The kid cried even more.

"Nong Suda..."

"Brother told me that the angels who came here are your family, and they will bring you home..."

Gulf sighed as he rubbed the kid's arm to calm her.

"P'Somchai will always visit here. I won't be that far."

"But I won't get to see you every day anymore... Please bring me with you, P'Somchai..." Suda cried and hugged Gulf tight.

Gulf felt his heart break with what Suda said. Although he loves all of the kids in the orphanage, it was Suda who was most dear to him. He was the one who saw her outside the orphanage soaked in the rain when her stepmother left her after her father died.

"Don't leave me here, P'Somchai... I want to go with you...."

Gulf cried and hugged Suda. He doesn't want to leave the orphanage, but since he has a life that he needs to at least remember, he needs to go back to Bangkok, even just for a while.

Gulf noticed someone head out from the bathroom and saw Mew standing in front of the door. He looked up at him, with tears in his eyes. Suda also noticed Mew's presence and went to him.

The kid held Mew's hand as she cried. "Phi, please don't take away P'Somchai from us... I don't want him to go..." the kid said, as she repeatedly shook her head.

Mew lifted the kid and hugged her. Suda hugged him back, as she continued to cry. "Phi will not take away P'Somchai from you. But he needs to go home."

"I want to go with P'Somchai..." The kid said, as her cries are muffled by Mew's shoulder.

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