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I had a dream about a imposter of the Black wolf for some odd reason and I was in a suburb neighborhood , and just exploring and then I found the imposter  just chilling around the neighborhood while he was sniffing me and I was just nervously chuckling , and there's some parts of the dream that went missing and I just kinda hanged around them for a bit until I see a forest near the neighborhood I was in and saw a blue mask but blurred and shadow wolves blending in with the shadows just kinda looking at me.
 Then a few moments later the imposter passed out and then I had to carry him and he was very very heavy and i'm talking about the imposter not the actual black wolf, Then I walked away carrying him in a bridal style.

I have 0 clue where I took him but looks like I was heading towards the forest, Thats where it ended.  

Im jut finding clues or pieces of my dreams so I can pieces  together why I'm having these dreams I know the whole forests is a sign , and seeing the Cp's is also a sign , just wanna see if this all connects like one huge story line their's a beginning , middle and end. 

Maybe Soon I'll Figure It Out.

 who knows..

- Anon signing off

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