Chapter 16: Interlude.

Comincia dall'inizio

Daring: [Ferre, there's a mass production siren division in front of us]

Ferre: [Yes, I already realized, I leave you in charge]

Daring: [Huh? You will not help me?]

Ferre: [If the situation gets out of control, I'll help you]

Daring: [Please help me!]

Ferre: [If I help you all the time you won't improve, go and fight alone, I'll be watching you]


Ferre is very bad, although I asked her to train me, but this is already out of line.

Daring: (slaps herself) Well, since I'm here and Ferre won't help me, then I'll have to do it alone.

I summon my rig and start sailing, I reload my torpedoes since it is the single most powerful weapon I have, then I confirm the status of my enemies, the enemy is 3 heavy cruisers and 3 light cruisers.

Daring: (Panic) [Ferre is 6 ships against 1! They are also heavy and light cruisers!]

Ferre: (disinterested tone) [And? Being a destroyer does not mean you cannot defeat them, always say: Yes I can! I'm strong! I am invincible! And you will notice the difference]

Daring: (Are you a demon !?) Ahhhhh, what do I do? (Cheers up) There is no other option but to attack with everything, whoever attacks first wins!


My cannons fire the same as siren ships, I dodge enemy projectiles while I am very nervous.

Ferre: [If you're still nervous you won't be able to fight to your full potential, relax]

Daring: That's easy for you to say!

I know what she means, but being in such a disadvantageous situation I can't help but get nervous.


Daring: (sigh) Wow, that was really close.

One shot almost hit me, but luckily it veered off and hit the sea, I kept shooting at the enemy while the enemy was attacking me.


Daring: ¡AAGHHHH!

Ferre: (Worried) [Are you okay?]

Daring: Ugh, [I'm fine, just a HE shell grazed me, but I'm fine] (that explosion left me a bit stunned though)

The explosion left me somewhat deaf and dizzy, but I can still move, I made a quick turn to port and kept shooting, but on these occasions my shots were very bad.


I could now see my sister miss all her shots.

Ferre: (looking through the binoculars) Uwaaaa, apparently my sister started to stain.

(To stain = to have very bad aim)

Well I can't judge her, she sure is stunned by that explosion that hit her in the face.

Ferre: I guess I'll have to treat her to dinner later as a reward, (Looks flat) Well, if she doesn't lose.


This is very bad, I am somewhat dizzy and my aim is the worst, my radars and fire control were severely damaged by the explosion and are unusable.


The siren kept firing mercilessly at Daring and she could only dodge.

Daring: Take fucking tentacled ships!

Daring fired torpedoes towards the enemy fleet and 3 of 6 hit the heavy cruisers of the siren, the cruisers victims of Daring's torpedoes were disabled, but did not sink.

Daring: Two less! 4 left!


Ferre: (Excited) Uwooo, Daring seems to have recovered already.

Daring began to recover from her stun and her aim improved drastically, the projectiles fired by Daring's cannons began to hit the enemy ships, although the 114 mm projectiles did not do significant damage, but the damage began to accumulate until moderate or severe damage, after 17 minutes into the fight my older sister won a victory.

Ferre: [Congratulations Daring, you finished this match in a satisfactory way]

Daring: [Satisfactory? I almost died trying!]

Ferre: She is very upset. [Well, you told me to train you and that's what I'm doing]

Daring: [But it's not a very extreme form!]

Ferre: [Come on friend, let's go back, as a reward for your efforts I will cook you a special meal from my nation.]

Daring: (Happy) [Really? I could not forget that meal with raw fish]

Ferre: [You don't mean Cebiche?]

Daring: [That same one, also that food that has green rice was also delicious]

Ferre: It refers to rice with duck. [Well I'll serve you those meals, so rejoice and cheer up, but now you've become stronger than you were before]

Daring: (Happy) [Really? Did I get stronger?]

Ferre: (Smiles) [Yes, you are stronger]

After patrolling for another 5 hours, my sister's shift ended and we returned to the port to rest, that night I had no choice but to cook my sister so that her morale does not drop and she continues to make an effort in my training.

TO BE CONTINUE........................

Azur Lane: Full aheadDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora