Chapter 20: The Crisis of the Empire III

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The Azur Lane fleet had sailed for 12 hours, in the formation there are three exploration fleets, one of which is the Fifth Mobile Unit, the Third Torpedo Division and the Fourth Torpedo Division.

These three fleets were sailing in reconnaissance formation.


There is no contact on the radar, for the moment everything is free.

Allen: This is kind of boring, I want some action.

Ferre: I just pray that we don't run into the enemy, we have to save our strength for the real fight.

Kaga: Yes, I also think the same, if we are unlucky enough to run into the enemy, we would have to expend forces or if the worst happens, there will be some kansen who will be seriously injured and most will not be able to participate in combat.

Daring: (nervous) Yes, I too wish this trip to go smoothly.


Ferre: Morse code?

A radio transmission in Morse code reaches my radio antennas, the girls receive it too.

Kaga: (Worried) Message from the 4th torpedo division, the fleet is under attack, CVL Houshou has been hit and has received serious injuries.

Ferre: The enemy is a strike force with aircraft carriers, they should be close.

Kaga: I think so. Apparently the third and fourth torpedo divisions still do not know the position of the enemy.

Ferre: Kaga and Zuikaku. I need eyes in the sky, find that fleet siren. Curse 1-6-0.

Kaga / Zuikaku: Roger.

In that Kaga and Zuikaku deployed their planes for reconnaissance, all their planes are loaded with bombs and torpedoes to attack the enemy as soon as they find them.


Zuikaku: Nagato's orders have come, she authorizes the search for the enemy fleet.

Ferre: I understand.

Zuikaku: Ferre-san, let's launch more planes to find the enemy.

Me: Don't despair Zuikaku, we still don't know if the enemy is only one fleet or several fleets, they could ambush us. Please be conservative and accurate.

Zuikaku: I understand.

Ferre: I like that you understand.

Allen: Search and catch, the winner is the one who finds the enemy.

Ferre: Hmmmm.

Kaga: What is it?

Ferre: The weather has started to get worse and it is approaching the main fleet, if it continues like this, our aircraft carriers will not be able to deploy their planes.

Kaga: You're absolutely right, I hadn't realized that.

I could see black clouds growing at breakneck speed, apparently it was going to see a storm.

Kaga: Message from squad 2, they have found the enemy force, they are 3 aircraft carriers, 2 battleships and 3 destroyers.

Ferre: Eight enemy ships, Kaga passes the enemy coordinates to Zuikaku and Zuikaku sends your planes to do a bombardment in conjunction with Kaga's planes.

Kaga / Zuikaku: Roger.

Ferre: Ah, before I forget, send scouting forces to 2-4-3, there are things my radars can escape from.

Kaga / Zuikaku: I understand.


Zuikaku's planes teamed up with Kaga's planes and then launched a bombardment against the enemy fleet.


The planes of the two Imperial carriers dived, the enemy ships noticed the Imperial planes and began to fire their antiaircraft weapons, managing to shoot down some planes, the Imperial planes dropped the bombs or torpedoes and then aborted the fall to escape the explosion. shock wave from the explosion.


Multiple explosions reverberated through the enemy fleet, the siren carrier fleet falling to 60 fighter-bombers from Kaga and Zuikaku.



Zuikaku: Message from the planes! The enemy fleet was eliminated!

Ferre: (sigh of relief) ...

Daring: Good! We have the initiative! The enemy can no longer launch their planes!

Ferre: I hope so.

Daring: (Shock) Please don't scare me with those words.

Ferre: We have eliminated an enemy fleet, it was a fortune to be able to eliminate an enemy fleet with a single wave of bombers, that was because we caught them off guard, but we still don't know if that fleet is the only one or there are several enemy fleets.


Ferre: As I guessed, there is another fleet.

The radar showed 24 enemy planes flying at a height almost level with the sea, I was able to detect these planes because I have early warning radars.

Ferre: Detection of enemy aircraft, altitude below the sea, direction 3-6-0, distance 50 km, speed 90 knots.

In that the girls are surprised by my report.

Allen: Enemy attack?

Spee: That's impossible, my radars don't detect anything.

Ferre: That's because the enemy flies very low, whatever, prepare for anti-aircraft combat.

All: OK!

TO BE CONTINUE.........................................

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