pt.9 (Jealousy)

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Y/n and randy then walks inside the house and starts to watch tv. You then glance at sharon that was staring at you and randy. "Is she ok?..." you said to yourself. She then gave you a smirk. "What the-"

"Hey randy. I'm going to the washroom. I'll be right back" "oh ok. I'll stay here and watch family guy." Randy said while watching tv.

You then walk to the bathroom, you want to the mirror. "Why was sharon looking at me like that..." when you said that you hear the door open foot steps walking in the the door closing and locking. "Are you talking about me?" Sharon said. She then pins you to the wall. "Did you brain wash randy so he can like you?!, why cant you leave this town. Nobody likes you." Said said in a bad tone, you can tell she was just mad and heart broken, but when she pinned you to the wall you thought it was kinda hot.

Sharon then left the bathroom and slammed the door. Your face then felt really hot and you began to sweat, "that was so hot. God.." you say while walking out of the washroom.

(This was really short sorry...) (hope you enjoyed!!) :)

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