pt.10 (Apartment's)

443 3 22

(Yeaaa, uhhh, I'm sorry if this turns out some love triangle shit lol. I'm sorry.)


Y/n then walks out of the washroom and sees randy stop you.

"What were you doing in there with sharon?" Randy said in a kinda mad tone.

"Nothing? Why?" Y/n said.

Randy then begans to smile at you and he pins you to the wall beside you.

Randy then kisses you very softly. Y/n blushes in shock. You see sharon from the side of you eye.

"Whatever.." sharon mumbles.

You feel kinda bad cuz randy and sharon where married for years now.

"Randy. Wanna go to the park?." You say looking embarrassed.

"Sure, then we can sit down an-" randy said before you interrupted him.

"I a kids park.. it's only 8am. Do kids should be there yet." You said till very embarrassed.

Randy then smiles at you.

"Sure y/n, your so cute when your embarrassed"

Randy then holds your hand and walks to the car.

"Hey randy..." you say while getting in the car.

"What is it y/n?" Randy says while then getting in the car

"Do you lov-..." you were to scared to finish your sentence.

Y/n and randy then make eye contact. You feel your face getting hot and you began to sweat. Y/n then sees randy blushing alot.

"Do you wanna go swinging on the swings???" You say in a embarrassed tone.

"Haha sure y/n" randy says while starting up the car then driving away.

Y/n and randy then get to the car.

"Hey randy guess what" you say with a smirk on your face and while getting out of the car.

"What is it y/n?" Randy says smiling at you and getting out of the car.

"LETS RACE TO THE SWING, LAST TO GET THERE IS A ROT IN EGG" Y/n says while getting ready to run.

"OK I GUESS." Randy says while then getting ready to run too.

"In 3....2....-" before you can say 1 randy already started running to the swings.

"BRUH YOUR CHEATING I DIDN'T SAY 1 YET!" Y/n says while trying not to laugh


"FINE." Y/n says while getting closer to the swings and you already past randy.

"BRUH HOW DID YOU DO THAT.." Randy says while you sat down on one of the swings.

"Haha, let's gooo" you say while going the baby thing with your hands.

"Haha, I was second" randy says while looking at you do the baby thing.

"Wanna see who can go the highest?"
Y/n say while smiling at randy.

"Sure, I'll just win this time" randy laughed.

"Ok then" y/n said.

"In 3, 2, -" then before randy can finish his sentence. Y/n then started swinging.

"HAHA LETS GOOOOO." Y/n says while getting higher.

"BRUH" randy says while he starts swinging even more higher.

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