pt.12 (drunk randy)

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Y/n then jumps out of bed from a scary dream. You then walk out of your room apartment and you see randy dancing on the kitchen counter.

You can tell randy was drunk because the apartment smelt of alcohol.

Randy was singing to a song called (sweet home Alabama)

"Oh hey babe~" randy says while dancing.

"Hey...randy." you say very confused.

Randy then get off the counter "I made you some breakfast my love~" randy said while handing you a plate of burned bacon.

"Oh! Thanks" you saw acting surprised.

"No problem my teddy bear" randy says while leaning in to kiss your forehead.

[What's up with all the cute names?] You think to yourself.

"Anyways, imma head out and go for a drive" randy says while grabbing the car keys.

"Oh, ok- wait...NO" you say I'll grabbing Randy's hand.

"Are you ok y/n?" Randy says while smiling

You then make randy sit down on the couch.

"Your drunk randy- you cant drive now" you say to randy

"How would you know that y/n?"

"Because it smelt like alcohol and you were dancing on the counter-" you said while rolling your eyes.

"Ugh, you dont trust m-"

You then kiss randy before he can get mad for no reason at all.


Randy then kisses you back.

(This will be split into different genders-)

Male part-

Y/n then pins randy to the couch and pulls down his underwear.

"Are you ready~" you say while giving randy a flirtations smile.

"Yes..~~" randy blushed.

You then put it inside quickly. Your face then begans to heat up and you get very hard.

"Aughhh~" randy moaned. You feel yourself getting even harder. You then go even faster. "Oh god~" randy yelled.

"Mmm~" you say while going fast and hard. You hear randy moaning and clapping. It gets you very horny..

You then grab Randy's hips and pull them inwards and you cum inside him.

"UGhhh~ Yess~" randy says, you can tell he enjoyed it alot.


Y/n then takes off Randy's underwear and you sit down on his stick. You feel it going inside you, and it feel really good.

"Mmm~" randy says while you go up and down slowly.

Y/n then moans loudly and goes up and down even faster. You feel randy grab onto your waist and it gives you shivering down your spine. You get even hornier.

Randy then lifts you up and pins you to the couch, he then puts it back in and goes in and out very fast. You and randy then moan at the same time when randy finished doing his thing.

"That was nice y/n~" randy says while smiling at you

(Ok that's over with)

You then get up and take a long shower because your still wondering why your dad gave you that much money. The shower was kinda calming you down a bit. You then got out of the shower and dried yourself off. As when you were putting your clothes on you thought about your parents again.

"Ugh, why do I always do this, stop thinking about them already" you mumbled to yourself.

You decided to give your dad a call. You then dialed your dads number.

Dad: hello?

You: hey dad

Dad: oh hey, what's up?

You: why did you and mom give me so much money?

Dad: because we won the lottery and we decided to give it to you for your early birthday present.

You: oh, thanks. I really appreciated it, I got an apartment and stuff.

Dad: that's great sweetie.

You: yes. Why are you being so nice to me?

Dad: because I realized how mean I was to you while growing up. I didn't realise that till recently.

You: well its helping me get through alot. I feel like your starting to care more.

Dad: yea. Well I gotta head out. Me and your mom are going on a date haha, she told me to tell you sorry that she has to cancel dinner. She really wanted to see your new boyfriend ha.

You: yes ha

Dad: she said on Saturday. I'll be coming to y/n. I hope this man is a good guy, if hes not I'll break his neck.

Y/n's dad then hangs up the phone.

"Oh crap that's tomorrow. Uhhh yea. I hope randy doesn't drink so much tonight-"


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