(The end) pt.15

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Heyyyy it's been a few days since I last made a story and I kinda wanna end it soon so- yea. Enjoy!!


You and randy just got handcuffed by the cops and now being put into the back of a police car.

You glance at sharon that had the biggest grin on her face.

"That bitch" you said under your breath.

She then went back into the apartment building. I think shes gonna stay there till I get back.


A few days later, your in prison for some reason till someone bails you and randy out.

A few days later (again) your parents bailed you and randy out. :D

The first place you went was to your apartment. You went to your door and opened it so see sharon sleeping on the couch.

"Hey bitch, I'm back now please get out of my apartment" you said in a furious manner.

"Go back to prison you bitc-" before she can finish her words you punched her straight in the nose and then kicked her in the stomach.

"Ouch..." sharon said as she fell to the floor.

"That hurts." Sharon said.

"Get out of my apartment" you said.

Sharron then got up slowly and then ran out of the house.

It was a good thing stan wanted around. He was at school.

"WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT Y/N???!?!?!" randy said as he grabbed your shoulders and shook you

"Because I had to" you said

As when you said that your vision went all blurry...and it felt like you were getting sick.

"R-randy.. I'm scared." You said as you fell to the ground.

You then lie down onto your back and looked up at randy.

You then saw tears fall from Randy's eyes. It made you feel really sad.

You closed your eyes and woke up in a bed.

"H-huh?.." you were so confused.

You saw posters/drawings/paintings on the wall and the tv was on. You looked to the tv and south park was on.

"W-was I dreaming ?.." you said to yourself

You got up from your bed and walked outside of the room you were in. You walked to the bathroom and looked into the mirror.

You saw yourself. You weren't in a southpark art style anymore. You were just human.

You saw tears fall from your eyes and you really wanted to have the same dreams again.. you really wanted to kiss randy again. It felt so real.

You were just back at your 20 year old self. Nothing special.


You walked to your kitchen to see your mom cooking breakfast.

"Good morning y/n" your mom said

"Morning mom.." you said in a very sad tone

Your mom then looked at you, she saw your puffy watery eyes.

"Are you ok!?" She said while running up to you not caring about her cooking.

"No.. I had a wonderful dream and it felt so real..then I got into a fight with the person and I didn't have time to say sorry because I woke up from my dream.." you said trying not to cry.

Your mom just looked at you trying to processed what to say to that.

"What was the dream about?" Your mom said as she put your food down on the table.

"The theme was southpark.. the show you tell me not to watch when I was 11, I was dating randy in my dream." You said as you felt embarrassed to say that.

Your mom smiled and laughed at you


It's now 12:00am and it was such a boring day, you fell asleep.

You tried so hard to wake up in your dream. In a while you woke up in your dream, you were laying in your room at your apartment.

"Omg.." you said as you ran out of the room and into the kitchen.

"Randy!" You said as you hugged him very tightly.

He was shocked and hugged you back very tightly.

You both kissed.

"I'm so sorry y/n..." randy said.

"Its ok..." you said as you let go of the hug.


It was now Christmas and you guys dropped off the Christmas presents for your parents.

Christmas day was a nice day. You felt happy to be with randy again. He made you feel safe.

This day was one of the best days, you never wanted it to end.

(The end)




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