The Fall of Izuku.

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Hisashi Midoryia has made two massive mistakes in his life. The first was abandoning his son. The second being teaming up with said son during the Battle of New York. The moment they were warped into the city Izuku had turned on both him and Vegeta.

"Why are you doing this?" Hisashi growled.

"Because, Sensei's plan will not work without him becoming a Martyr. Nor will it work without the threat of an unstoppable monster. If the world has one threat that they are all united against, then there will be no excuse for war ever again." Izuku replied, his voice empty of all emotion.

"So this was your plan all along? Become a Chimera so that you could become a monster."

"Partly. I also needed to awaken One For All."

"Traitorous bastard!" Vegeta yelled and flew at Izuku. Izuku grabbed him in mid flight and ripped him in half.

"I thought the Prince was meant to be the strongest of all Saiyans. Looks like I was wrong."

After a brief internal battle with himself, Hisashi opened his hands and sprayed green fire on his son. Izuku just kept walking, the flames gathering around him.

"With One For All awakened, I can use anyone's Quirk and there is no one stopping me." Izuku said. "Now burn like the shit you are."

Hisashi tried to run, but it was no use. He curled up into a ball and screamed as he was burnt to death with his own power.


Izuku watched as one Sensei fought the giant Reaper. Sensei was going to win this fight, without a doubt. This was proved correct several minutes later when the giant was decapitated by Sensei.

Izuku casually walked up behind Sensei and plunged the Narukumai through his chest, despite Kurogiri's warning.

"Remember Sensei, I did say I would become the monster necessary to move the world forward." He said. "Now live forever as a Martyr."

He charged up the weapon, the blade expanding. Then he pulled the trigger. A large amount of energy shot from the weapon, ripping through Sensei and sending him crashing into the ground a metre away.

Izuku was immediately enveloped in blue fire, courtesy of Touya.

"I really don't want to kill you." Izuku said. "But I will if you keep attacking me."

"Why the fuck did you kill him?" Touya demanded, tears of blood flowing down his face.

"We needed a Martyr."

"B-but why him? He did everything for us. If it wasn't for him, you would still be living under the thumb of a corrupted system and the rest of us would still be hunted for just existing."

"That is why I did it."

Izuku gently picked up Sensei's body and opened a warp gate. Stepping through he appeared in the laboratory next to Aizawa.

The ex-teacher looked at Izuku with betrayal and hurt in his eyes.

"Lay his body down then get out." He snapped.

Izuku did as he was told, gently laying the body down before turning to walk out the door.

"You don't deserve a damn thing he did for you or gave you." The man sobbed behind him.

Izuku ignored him and kept walking through the base. As he did people began to take notice. First it was the name calling and the booing, but it quickly escalated into them throwing things from rocks and sticks to one of the Seven Deadly Sins throwing his spear at him.

At the gate to the Ward he was stopped by Katsuki.

"Kachan-" he began.

"No. You don't Kachan me." Katsuki replied. "Only my best friend has the right to call me Kachan and you are not him. I don't know you. But, out of respect for the kind and caring boy I once knew I'll give you one chance. Fuck off and don't come back. If I see your face again I'm going to kill you."

Izuku looked down at the ground. This is why we didn't warp out imeaditly. He needed to know what his best friend thought of him now.

"You heard him, fuck off." Kendo said from his side.

Izuku turned his back on those that he once fought for, and warped. He made his choice when he killed Sensei, and now he has to live with the consequences.

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