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Shouta Aizawa walked back into the police station, his lounges filled with nicotine. It was a nasty habit of his that may end up costing him his lounges, but hey his body his choice.

He entered the interrogation room that was housing the newest SSS ranked villain, along with detective Naosama Tsukauchi who had been trying to get information from the villain for three hours now.

"So has anything changed?" Aizawa asked upon taking a seat.

"No. Just what he said hours ago and my Quirk hasn't picked up on a lie yet." The detective replied with a sigh of frustration.

"So your name is Ken Kaneki." Aizawa stated, turning to look at the villain.

"That would be correct." The villain replied.

"I've looked through all of the files on births in the past twenty to thirty years. There is no one called Ken Kaneki, and the Japan and events you have described don't exist either."

"Figured that this wasn't my Tokyo. Everyone is to happy. To full of life."

"If you call this happy I'd hate to see your version of depressing. A school was just attacked by a group of villains. An attack in which one student died."

"Oh, I am dreadfully sorry. Sorry that living in fear of being eaten by monsters or killed for just existing doesn't meet your requirements for depressing." Kaneki snapped.

Silence filled the room and lasted for long enough to get awkward.

"If you don't have a Quirk, then what was those weird tentacle things that came from your back?" Detective Naosama asked.

"That was my Kagune. As you humans grew and developed guns, us Ghouls evolved and  developed weapons of our own." Kaneki explained.

"I think we should just throw him into the depths of Tartarus and be done with him." Aizawa suggested, and earned a glare off of Kaneki.

"Now, now Aizawa. That won't be nessacary." A small but yet sharp voice said from behind, interrupting whatever Kaneki was about to say next.

Both Aizawa and and Naosama turned around and saw Nezu standing in at the doorway.

"Excuse me gentleman, but can I please get a word with Kaneki. Alone." The rat asked, without giving them a choice.

"Sure thing. If he tries to eat you don't come running to us." Naosama said and the other two men left the room.


Kaneki watched the large stoat with caution. A sentient, talking animal was never good. Especially if it was a stoat.

"Hello Kaneki. I am Nezu, and you may be wondering what I am. Am I a rat, a small bear or a dog? It doesn't matter for I am the principal of UA." The stoat said in a sing-like tune.

"You are a stoat." Kaneki replied.

The stoat -Nezu- stared at him for a couple of minutes before speaking again. "Well done, not very many people actually know what I am. I am very intrigued on how you know this."

"Before my time as the CCG investigator Haise Sasaki, my little band of Ghouls and I were hunting through the 23rd ward looking for Dr. Kanu, a sick freak who experimented on anything he could get his hands on. We came across several very murderous but yet talkative stoats."

Nezu looked perplexed by this and appeared to think on it for several minutes, throwing the room back into an awkward silence.

"Anyway, onto the purpose of this meeting. I would like you to work for me and teach at the school UA."

"Why would you want that? I killed one of your students."

"That particular student's mindset didn't fit that of a hero and if he didn't change it he would have had a harsh awakening. It may sound cruel and uncaring, but I would rather a student like that perish then become a villain that their friends will have to fight and lock up ten years down the track."

"Okay, so what's in it for me. Aside from not being thrown in Tartarus, I may have no clue what that is but it doesn't sound very nice."

Nezu leaned in closer to Kaneki and together the pair of them came to a deal that could potentially shape the world for the better, or send it crashing down into a hellscape of never ending violence that Kaneki was used to seeing.

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